Version 6 (modified by Jacob, 16 years ago) ( diff )


Some tickets

Ready for 1.1

Confirm support for GDAL 3.10

1.1 DDN

FieldFile assumes efficient Storage.size
Incremental filter

1.1 patches to review

Document presumed order of foreign keys on intermediate M2M model
Migration fails when removing explicit primary key
Allow double squashing of migrations
Allow url and groups of urls to be easily tagged and selected
Integrate dj-database-url into Django
Migration calls "CREATE INDEX" when one already exists when 'unique' field attribute is added (PostgreSQL)
Add a management command to list URL patterns
Add support for `UUIDAutoField` `DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD`
./manage runserver --nostatic still doesn't return a traceback
ModelBase metaclass implementation prevents addition of model fields via __init_subclass__
Filtering on annotated TruncSecond expression gives unexpected result.
Add rotate geographic database function
Makemigrations not properly tracking changes to unmanaged models
Model subclass with __init_subclass__ doesn't get correct _meta instance
Update/Fix Font Awesome icons
Include ModelForm and its Meta options in reference docs
Add DEP14 Tasks interface
Confirm support for GDAL 3.10
Move away from the term "patch" to refer to a contribution/pull request in the contributor documentation
SQLCompiler.execute_sql result_type CURSOR usage can be minimized
SelectFilter choose/remove buttons missing keyboard-friendly state management
Add composite GenericForeignKey support
Admin "Change password" Button Visible with Only "Can view user" Permission
Support PEP639-style license indicator in pyproject.yaml
TransactionTestCase.serialized_rollback reads from real database rather than test when using read replica for a model instance created in a migration with a ManyToManyField
Use router.allow_relation in RelatedManager.add and GenericRelatedObjectManager.add
Make Django release artifacts PEP 625 compliant
Add caching to urlize
Inconsistent handling of IDNs in urlize and AdminURLFieldWidget
EmailValidator rejects valid email addresses in some international domains

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