Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#7191 closed (fixed)

URL dispatcher page, small error

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: nobody
Component: Documentation Version: dev
Severity: Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Ready for checkin
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


Mistake on this page:

Quote (from section "What the URLconf searches against"):

For example, in a request to, the URLconf will look for /myapp/.

In a request to, the URLconf will look for /myapp/.

I don't think there should be a leading slash on each of those two occurrences of "/myapp/".

(The Django book in chapter 8 has a very similar pair of statements but doesn't include leading slashes, so that book is correct.)

Attachments (1)

url_dispatch.patch (662 bytes ) - added by Andrews Medina 17 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Alex Gaynor, 17 years ago

Triage Stage: UnreviewedAccepted

by Andrews Medina, 17 years ago

Attachment: url_dispatch.patch added

comment:2 by Alex Gaynor, 17 years ago

Has patch: set
Triage Stage: AcceptedReady for checkin

comment:3 by Russell Keith-Magee, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

(In [7560]) Fixed #7191 -- Removed leading slashes in description of the patterns that a URLconf checks when GET data is present. Thanks, andrews.

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