Opened 14 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#15935 closed New feature (duplicate)

Allow django admin filter to be hidable

Reported by: jjconti Owned by: nobody
Component: contrib.admin Version: 1.3
Severity: Normal Keywords: admin, filters, ui, admin_revamp
Cc: dougal85@… Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: yes
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: yes


When you are using Django admin, and show lots of columns in a model's list view and add filters to it. You may have a problem. The filter may overlap your latests columns.

Django now cames with JQuery, so we can use this js library to add some nice behaviour.

The attached patch change admin/templates/admin/change_list.html in order to do this.

Attachments (1)

patch_hide_admin_filter.diff (1.4 KB ) - added by jjconti 14 years ago.
issue patch

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

by jjconti, 14 years ago

issue patch

comment:1 by Julien Phalip, 14 years ago

Triage Stage: UnreviewedAccepted

comment:2 by Dougal Matthews, 14 years ago

Cc: dougal85@… added

comment:3 by Jannis Leidel, 14 years ago

Patch needs improvement: set

Please don't use inline CSS.

comment:4 by Julien Phalip, 14 years ago

Keywords: filters ui added; filter lists removed

Being able to hide the filters could be useful in some situations (e.g. to gain more space for the changelist), however note that the core of the overlap issue would be addressed by #9181.

comment:5 by Idan Gazit, 14 years ago

UI/UX: set

in reply to:  4 comment:6 by Idan Gazit, 14 years ago

Keywords: admin_revamp added

Replying to julien:

Being able to hide the filters could be useful in some situations (e.g. to gain more space for the changelist), however note that the core of the overlap issue would be addressed by #9181.

Agree. I like the idea of being able to hide the filter sidebar. This implementation is confusing, but much of the problem is due to the constraints imposed by the admin's existing structure/CSS layout. We should solve this as part of a larger refactoring of the admin.

comment:7 by Tim Graham, 10 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Duplicate of #21183 which has a patch and tests, but needs some improvements.

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