Opened 15 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#11911 closed Bug (fixed)

urlizetrunc not taking into account last ')' of a link

Reported by: Stefan_Petrea Owned by: Aymeric Augustin
Component: Template system Version: dev
Severity: Normal Keywords: urlizetrunc
Cc: Triage Stage: Design decision needed
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: yes
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no



I'm using Django 1.1 , the release version.

The urlizetrunc filter is causing some problems , for example the following link

is rendered as <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)
(please notice the trailing ')' )
This is not correct , it should take the ')' inside the link.

(As a work-around I'm adding # to my links, which seems to work).

Best regards,


Attachments (4)

11911-and-12183-tests.patch (1.8 KB ) - added by Tom Mortimer-Jones 15 years ago.
Joint tests for tickets #11911 and #12183
11911-and-12183.patch (1.8 KB ) - added by Tom Mortimer-Jones 15 years ago.
Joint patch for tickets #11911 and #12183
11911.patch (2.5 KB ) - added by Graham King 14 years ago.
Split out just the part for this ticket. Added tests.
11911-2.patch (3.8 KB ) - added by Aymeric Augustin 13 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

comment:1 by Russell Keith-Magee, 15 years ago

Summary: [BUG] urlizetrunc not taking into account last ')' of a link (example given)urlizetrunc not taking into account last ')' of a link
Triage Stage: UnreviewedAccepted

by Tom Mortimer-Jones, 15 years ago

Attachment: 11911-and-12183-tests.patch added

Joint tests for tickets #11911 and #12183

by Tom Mortimer-Jones, 15 years ago

Attachment: 11911-and-12183.patch added

Joint patch for tickets #11911 and #12183

comment:2 by Tom Mortimer-Jones, 15 years ago

Has patch: set

I have attached tests and a patch that fixes this bug as well as #12183.

comment:3 by Julien Phalip, 14 years ago

Severity: Normal
Type: Bug

by Graham King, 14 years ago

Attachment: 11911.patch added

Split out just the part for this ticket. Added tests.

comment:4 by Graham King, 14 years ago

Easy pickings: unset
milestone: 1.4
Version: 1.1SVN

This is still a problem in current SVN. I've updated the patch to apply cleanly, to be just for this ticket, and to have tests. All the unit tests pass.

Version 0, edited 14 years ago by Graham King (next)

comment:5 by trez, 14 years ago

Patch needs improvement: set
Triage Stage: AcceptedDesign decision needed
UI/UX: unset

It seems than the real problem come from the definition of punctuation_re:

TRAILING_PUNCTUATION = ['.', ',', ')', '>', '\n', '&gt;']

punctuation_re = re.compile('^(?P<lead>(?:%s)*)(?P<middle>.*?)(?P<trail>(?:%s)*)$' % \
    ('|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in LEADING_PUNCTUATION]),
    '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in TRAILING_PUNCTUATION])))

The ')' character is not interpreted as a part of the url but as an enclosing character.
The patch provided solve the parenthesis problem but do not solve other cases for other unreserved characters in the TRAILING_PUNCTUATION list.

Valid character accoding to RFC 1738 named as extra are "!" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")" | ","

For example: which is the valid (notice the dot at the end of the url)

To completely solve this problem, I think an in-depth rewrite of the punctation_re should be done which should be able to distinguish between and (

A design decision is needed.

comment:6 by Graham King, 14 years ago

Could you provide an example of a live url where this is a problem, with characters other than parenthesis?

comment:7 by Jacob, 13 years ago

milestone: 1.4

Milestone 1.4 deleted

comment:8 by Aymeric Augustin, 13 years ago

Owner: changed from nobody to Aymeric Augustin

by Aymeric Augustin, 13 years ago

Attachment: 11911-2.patch added

comment:9 by Aymeric Augustin, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In [17362]:

Fixed #11911 -- Made the urlize filter smarter with closing punctuation.

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