Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#6828 closed (fixed)

Broken images in Tutorial part 2

Reported by: Collin Grady <cgrady@…> Owned by: nobody
Component: * Version: dev
Severity: Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


The images linked to from three of the smaller screenshots are PSDs instead of PNGs

Attachments (4)

admin02.png (59.7 KB ) - added by Collin Grady <cgrady@…> 17 years ago.
admin03.png (70.5 KB ) - added by Collin Grady <cgrady@…> 17 years ago.
admin04.png (52.8 KB ) - added by Collin Grady <cgrady@…> 17 years ago.
admin01.png (5.9 KB ) - added by dc 17 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (12)

by Collin Grady <cgrady@…>, 17 years ago

Attachment: admin02.png added

by Collin Grady <cgrady@…>, 17 years ago

Attachment: admin03.png added

by Collin Grady <cgrady@…>, 17 years ago

Attachment: admin04.png added

comment:1 by Marc Fargas, 17 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

It took me a while to de-encrypt the ticket but tutorials are all png files, don't see where you took .PSD from.

comment:2 by anonymous, 17 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened

comment:3 by Marc Fargas, 17 years ago

The fact that "file" says it's a Photoshop Image does not mean it is. File "guesses" file types (read the manpage).
And the fact that the file reads "Photoshop" in the namespace and the CreatorTool attributes does not mean nothing.

This file is an XMP powered file, XMP is some thing invented by Adobe (or W3C?) to add metadata to image files. Inside the XMP file there's the binary data of the embedded file.

Those files were generated from PHotoshop with XMP metadata.

The fact that a linux computer can *view* those images means, simply, that the binary data inside them is not PSD. But I can't assure the format as I don't know XMP.

So, the files are not PSD. You could as "please provide simple png files not embedded in xml" if you wish.

comment:4 by dc, 17 years ago

"Simple png files not embedded in xml" were attached to ticket by Collin Grady (please see ticket attachments).

Read PSD file header format somewhere (e.g. "Photoshop File Parsing" section from here also it might be helpful to read "Embedding XMP Metadata in
Application Files" in official XMP specification ( I hope this new and interesting information will convince you in "PSD format theory".

You have closed valid ticket anyway.

by dc, 17 years ago

Attachment: admin01.png added

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by Marc Fargas, 17 years ago

Component: DocumentationDjango Web site
Summary: 3 PSDs in tutorial part 2Tutorial part 2 serves XMP embedded images instead of PNG
Triage Stage: UnreviewedAccepted

Replying to dc:

"Simple png files not embedded in xml" were attached to ticket by Collin Grady (please see ticket attachments).

I didn't see the difference between the png's until comment 2.

Thanks for the links, I'll read about XMP later ;)

You have closed valid ticket anyway.

Agree, unless this is intentional (which I doubt) so marking Accepted so somebody can fix that (jacob?)

Changing component to Django Web Site as it's on

comment:6 by dc, 17 years ago

Summary: Tutorial part 2 serves XMP embedded images instead of PNGBroken images in Tutorial part 2

#8460 also contains fixed images

comment:7 by Jacob, 17 years ago

Fixed in [8541].

comment:8 by Jacob, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.
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