Opened 6 months ago

Closed 6 months ago

#35736 closed Bug (invalid)

Incorrect pluralization of model names in the admin panel

Reported by: Sanjeev Holla S Owned by: Sanjeev Holla S
Component: Uncategorized Version: dev
Severity: Normal Keywords:
Cc: Sanjeev Holla S Triage Stage: Unreviewed
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


Whenever we register a model, in the admin panel the names of these models are shown in the plural form. But as of now, a sufix of 's' is being added to the name of the model. This is not correct in all the cases. So for example, if the name of the model is company then it will be shown as Companys on the admin page. So this can be fixed by having the correct plural forms of the model names.

So inorder to fix this, when the verbose_name_plural is set, we can derive the correct suffix that needs to be added from the verbose_name (ex: 's', 'es', or 'ies'). Let me know if I am wrong anywhere.
(This is my first ticket, so apologies if anything doesn’t meet the standards. :) )

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Sanjeev Holla S, 6 months ago

Version: 5.0dev

comment:2 by Claude Paroz, 6 months ago

I'm not sure to understand. When the default pluralization is not right, then you have to set verbose_name_plural in the model definition to provide the proper plural yourself and all is good, isn't it?

comment:3 by Natalia Bidart, 6 months ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: assignedclosed
UI/UX: unset

Hello Sanjeev, thank you for this ticket. As Claude says, the model name pluralization can be customized using verbose_name_plural.

Your original description is a bit unclear on whether you are just seeking confirmation about your statements, in which case that would be a user support request; or if you think there is a bug in Django, in which case I can't tell from your description what would be the bug.

Because of that, and since the goal of this issue tracker is to track issues about Django itself, I'll be closing this ticket as invalid following the ticket triaging process. If you find out that this is indeed a bug in Django, please re-open with the specific details and please be sure to include a small Django project to reproduce or a failing test case.

If you are looking for user support, please note that there are several user support channels available, refer to TicketClosingReasons/UseSupportChannels for ways to get help.

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