Change History for DjangoOnWindowsWithIISAndSQLServer

Version Date Author Comment
55 12 years matthew.reinbold@… added Note 4, an alternative to the Helicontech proposed alternative …
54 13 years anonymous
53 13 years govorunov@…
52 13 years anonymous
51 13 years anonymous
50 13 years anonymous Some command-line corrections
49 13 years ruslan@… link to article about alternative way added
48 14 years chris-djangowiki@…
47 14 years notanumber Removed restriction bit on IIS7
46 14 years notanumber Formatting on IIS7 block
45 14 years notanumber Added IIS7 inscructions
44 15 years anonymous
43 16 years anonymous PyISAPIe does NOT require PyWin32! Also, a lot of this needs to be updated.
42 16 years s3v
41 16 years loekje Changed order of installatioen, i.e. Python Win32 extensions must be …
40 16 years kelvinn Adding extra site for IIS install
39 16 years Adam Vandenberg SQL Server backends are now external; linked to the two I know of.
38 17 years mrtwice99 added another link for PyISAPIe multiple django instance tutorial
37 17 years mrtwice99 modified information related to PyISAPIe
36 17 years justinlilly@… fixeds formatting
35 17 years justinlilly@… Added more information about MSSQL Support
34 17 years justinlilly@… Added a description for a stray link.
33 17 years Matt Olenik <olenikm@…> Formatting fix for previous comment on Http module
32 17 years Matt Olenik <olenikm@…>
31 17 years phillip@… updated slightly to reflect changes to PyISAPIe 1.0.4
30 17 years Adam Vandenberg
29 17 years doekman@… Added python 2.4 requirement
28 18 years torrycn@…
27 18 years ed+at+swindelles+dot+us
26 18 years ed+at+swindelles+dot+us
25 18 years ed+at+swindelles+dot+us
24 18 years ed+at+swindelles+dot+us
23 18 years henrik dot binggl at gmail dot com iis6 experience
22 18 years rnm@… reverted to previous version, unclear about MEDIA_ROOT, MEDIA_URL
21 18 years rnm@…
20 18 years rnm@… admin stylesheets
19 18 years rnm@… resolve error in pyISAPIe install
18 18 years anonymous change the method to reset iis
17 18 years anonymous a comment on known issues
16 18 years rockallite.wulf@… Add a Hello World example
15 18 years rockallite.wulf@… Some comments…
14 18 years rockallite.wulf@… Some more details on Linking Django to PyISAPIe
13 18 years sfb
12 18 years SFB More tweaking
11 18 years sfb More tweaking
10 18 years sfb Tidying it up and hopefully clarifying and simplifying some bits
9 18 years SF Additional details for running in w2k/IIS 5.0/Django 0.91
8 18 years anonymous
7 18 years anonymous
6 18 years phillip@… Just some notes
5 18 years anonymous
4 18 years anonymous
3 18 years anonymous
2 18 years anonymous
1 18 years anonymous
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