Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#8488 closed

Building latex fails in the docs-refactor branch — at Initial Version

Reported by: Jeff Anderson Owned by: nobody
Component: Documentation Version: other branch
Severity: Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Unreviewed
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


I can build the html docs just fine. I'm using docutils-trunk@5629, and sphinx 0.3. I'm using the docs-refactor branch from Jacob's git repo at 8c4f062f (current HEAD as of opening this ticket)

It fails when I try to build the latex docs.

I'm still trying to diagnose this, but figured I'd open a ticket in case someone else's eyes can pick out what's wrong faster than mine could.

Here is the output:

jefferya@hemlock:~/docrf/django/docs$ make latex
mkdir -p _build/latex _build/doctrees
sphinx-build -b latex -d _build/doctrees   . _build/latex
Sphinx v0.3, building latex
trying to load pickled env... failed: ('__new__() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)', <class 'docutils.nodes.Text'>, ())
building [latex]: all documents
updating environment: 123 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
reading... contents faq/admin faq/contributing faq/general faq/help faq/index faq/install faq/models faq/usage glossary howto/apache-auth howto/custom-file-storage howto/custom-management-commands howto/custom-model-fields howto/custom-template-tags howto/deployment/fastcgi howto/deployment/index howto/deployment/modpython howto/error-reporting howto/index howto/initial-data howto/legacy-databases howto/outputting-csv howto/outputting-pdf howto/static-files index internals/contributing internals/documentation internals/index intro/index intro/install intro/overview intro/tutorial01 intro/tutorial02 intro/tutorial03 intro/tutorial04 intro/whatsnext misc/api-stability misc/design-philosophies misc/distributions misc/index obsolete/admin-css obsolete/forms obsolete/index obsolete/newforms-migration ref/contrib/admin ref/contrib/auth ref/contrib/contenttypes ref/contrib/csrf ref/contrib/databrowse ref/contrib/flatpages ref/contrib/formtools/form-preview ref/contrib/formtools/form-wizard ref/contrib/formtools/index ref/contrib/humanize ref/contrib/index ref/contrib/localflavor ref/contrib/redirects ref/contrib/sitemaps ref/contrib/sites ref/contrib/syndication ref/contrib/webdesign ref/databases ref/django-admin ref/files/file ref/files/index ref/files/storage ref/forms/api ref/forms/fields ref/forms/index ref/forms/widgets ref/generic-views ref/index ref/middleware ref/models/fields ref/models/index ref/models/instances ref/models/options ref/models/querysets ref/models/relations ref/request-response ref/settings ref/templates/api ref/templates/authors ref/templates/builtins ref/templates/index ref/unicode releases/0.95 releases/0.96 releases/1.0-alpha-1 releases/1.0-alpha-2 releases/1.0-beta releases/index topics/auth topics/cache topics/db/index topics/db/managers topics/db/models topics/db/queries topics/db/sql topics/db/transactions topics/email topics/files topics/forms/formsets topics/forms/index topics/forms/media topics/forms/modelforms topics/http/file-uploads topics/http/generic-views topics/http/index topics/http/middleware topics/http/sessions topics/http/shortcuts topics/http/urls topics/http/views topics/i18n topics/index topics/install topics/pagination topics/serialization topics/settings topics/templates topics/testing 
WARNING: /users/home1/admin/jefferya/docrf/django/docs/ref/contrib/admin.txt:610: (ERROR/3) Unknown target name: "forms".
pickling the env... done
checking consistency...
WARNING: /users/home1/admin/jefferya/docrf/django/docs/index.txt:: document isn't included in any toctree
processing django.tex... index 
resolving references...
WARNING: /users/home1/admin/jefferya/docrf/django/docs/index.txt:: (WARNING/2) undefined label: howto-outputting-PDF
writing... WARNING: encountered rubric node not used for footnotes, content will be lost
Exception occurred:
  File "/users/admin/jefferya/sandbox/docutils/", line 1589, in unknown_departure
    if  (node.document.settings.strict_visitor
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'settings'
The full traceback has been saved in /tmp/sphinx-err-x80mK9.log, if you want to report the issue to the author.
Please also report this if it was a user error, so that a better error message can be provided next time.
Send reports to Thanks!
make: *** [latex] Error 1

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