Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#29416 closed Bug

Undesired subquery added to the GROUP BY clause — at Version 1

Reported by: Antoine Pinsard Owned by: nobody
Component: Database layer (models, ORM) Version: 2.0
Severity: Release blocker Keywords: groupby, subquery
Cc: Mariusz Felisiak Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no

Description (last modified by Antoine Pinsard)

I am facing an issue while upgrading from Django 1.11 to Django 2.0.

I have a complex query interacting with a legacy database, which I simplified below to hilight the issue:

>>> from user.models import Sponsor
>>> from django.db.models import ExpressionWrapper, Count, DecimalField
>>> from django.db.models.expressions import RawSQL
>>> nb_reports = RawSQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pro_moderation WHERE objType='sponsor' AND objId=ala_sponsor.sponId AND state=2", [])
>>> str(Sponsor.objects.all().annotate(report_rate=ExpressionWrapper(nb_reports / Count('deliveries'), output_field=DecimalField())).order_by('-report_rate').query)

This code, in Django 1.11.9, gives me the following query:

SELECT `ala_sponsor`.`sponId`, [...], ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pro_moderation WHERE objType='sponsor' AND objId=ala_sponsor.sponId AND state=2) / COUNT(`ala_sponsor_need`.`asnId`)) AS `report_rate`
FROM `ala_sponsor` LEFT OUTER JOIN `ala_sponsor_need` ON (`ala_sponsor`.`sponId` = `ala_sponsor_need`.`asnSponId`)
GROUP BY `ala_sponsor`.`sponId` ORDER BY `report_rate` DESC

This is the expected behavior and it works well.

However, in Django 2.0.5, the same code gives me this query:

SELECT `ala_sponsor`.`sponId`, [...], ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pro_moderation WHERE objType='sponsor' AND objId=ala_sponsor.sponId AND state=2) / COUNT(`ala_sponsor_need`.`asnId`)) AS `report_rate`
FROM `ala_sponsor` LEFT OUTER JOIN `ala_sponsor_need` ON (`ala_sponsor`.`sponId` = `ala_sponsor_need`.`asnSponId`)
GROUP BY `ala_sponsor`.`sponId`, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pro_moderation WHERE objType='sponsor' AND objId=ala_sponsor.sponId AND state=2)
ORDER BY `report_rate` DESC

As you can see, the ORM appended the subquery (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pro_moderation WHERE objType='sponsor' AND objId=ala_sponsor.sponId AND state=2) to the GROUP BY clause. Which is wrong, and takes forever to execute.

I tried to play with .values('id') or such as I usually do when I get unexpected GROUP BY. I spent an afternoon on it but there's no way I could get rid of this undesired group by clause. The order_by is not to blame either. Here is another example of what I tried:

str(Sponsor.objects.all().values('id').annotate(report_rate=ExpressionWrapper(nb_reports / Count('deliveries'), output_field=DecimalField())).order_by().query)

Which gives:

SELECT `ala_sponsor`.`sponId`, ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pro_moderation WHERE objType='sponsor' AND objId=ala_sponsor.sponId AND state=2) / COUNT(`ala_sponsor_need`.`asnId`)) AS `report_rate`
FROM `ala_sponsor` LEFT OUTER JOIN `ala_sponsor_need` ON (`ala_sponsor`.`sponId` = `ala_sponsor_need`.`asnSponId`)
GROUP BY `ala_sponsor`.`sponId`, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pro_moderation WHERE objType='sponsor' AND objId=ala_sponsor.sponId AND state=2)

Also note that this is the annotate(report_rate=ExpressionWrapper(nb_reports / Count('deliveries'), output_field=DecimalField())) that causes this issue. If I only do annotate(nb_reports=nb_reports) or annotate(nb_deliveries=COUNT('deliveries')) there is no additional GROUP BY clause generated.

In [40]: str(Sponsor.objects.all().values('id').annotate(nb_reports=nb_reports).order_by().query)
Out[40]: "SELECT `ala_sponsor`.`sponId`, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pro_moderation WHERE objType='sponsor' AND objId=ala_sponsor.sponId AND state=2) AS `nb_reports` FROM `ala_sponsor`"

In [41]: str(Sponsor.objects.all().values('id').annotate(nb_deliveries=Count('deliveries')).order_by().query)
Out[41]: 'SELECT `ala_sponsor`.`sponId`, COUNT(`ala_sponsor_need`.`asnId`) AS `nb_deliveries` FROM `ala_sponsor` LEFT OUTER JOIN `ala_sponsor_need` ON (`ala_sponsor`.`sponId` = `ala_sponsor_need`.`asnSponId`) GROUP BY `ala_sponsor`.`sponId` ORDER BY NULL'

In [42]: str(Sponsor.objects.all().values('id').annotate(nb_reports=nb_reports, nb_deliveries=Count('deliveries')).order_by().query)
Out[42]: "SELECT `ala_sponsor`.`sponId`, COUNT(`ala_sponsor_need`.`asnId`) AS `nb_deliveries`, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pro_moderation WHERE objType='sponsor' AND objId=ala_sponsor.sponId AND state=2) AS `nb_reports` FROM `ala_sponsor` LEFT OUTER JOIN `ala_sponsor_need` ON (`ala_sponsor`.`sponId` = `ala_sponsor_need`.`asnSponId`) GROUP BY `ala_sponsor`.`sponId`, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pro_moderation WHERE objType='sponsor' AND objId=ala_sponsor.sponId AND state=2) ORDER BY NULL"

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Antoine Pinsard, 7 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
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