Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #17934, comment 3

Mar 20, 2012, 9:59:38 PM (13 years ago)


  • Ticket #17934, comment 3

    v1 v2  
    1 I used virtualenvwrapper==3.1<br>
    2 $mkvirtualenv mysite<br>
    3 $workon mysite<br>
    4 (mysite)$pip install Django-1.4c2.tar.gz<br>
    5 (mysite)$pip install south<br>
    6 (mysite)$tar zxvf MySQL-python-1.2.3.tar.gz<br>
    7 (mysite)$cd MySQL-python-1.2.3<br>
    8 (mysite)$vi site.cfg   <br>
    9 uncommented mysql_config and changed -> /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config<br>
    10 changed registry_key -> SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.1<br>
    11 (mysite)$python build<br>
    12 (mysite)$python setup install<br>
    13 <br>
    14 (mysite)$pip freeze<br>
    15 Django==1.4c2<br>
    16 MySQL-python==1.2.3<br>
    17 South==0.7.3<br>
    18 wsgiref==0.1.2<br>
    19 <br>
    20 (mysite)$ startproject mysite<br>
    21 (mysite)$./ startapp polls<br>
    22 add something to<br>
    23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
    24 from django.db import models<br>
    25 <br>
    26 class Poll(models.Model):<br>
    27     question = models.CharField(max_length=200)<br>
    28 --------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
    29 created a mysql database 'mysite' with utf-8 unicode<br>
    30 changed database to mysql<br>
    31 added south and polls to INSTALLED_APPS<br>
    32 USE_TZ is True by default<br>
    33 (mysite)$python syncdb<br>
    34 create superuser : no<br>
    35 (mysite)$python manage convert_to_south polls<br>
    36 got this<br>
    37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
    38 Creating migrations directory at '/Users/don/Workspaces/test_work/mysite/polls/migrations'...<br>
    39 Creating in '/Users/don/Workspaces/test_work/mysite/polls/migrations'...<br>
    40  + Added model polls.Poll<br>
    41 Created You can now apply this migration with: ./ migrate polls<br>
    42  - Soft matched migration 0001 to 0001_initial.<br>
    43 Running migrations for polls:<br>
    44  - Migrating forwards to 0001_initial.<br>
    45  > polls:0001_initial<br>
    46    (faked)<br>
    47 /Users/don/.virtualenvs/mysite/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField received a naive datetime (2012-03-21 02:00:29.098454) while time zone support is active.<br>
    48   RuntimeWarning)<br>
    49 <br>
    50 App 'polls' converted. Note that South assumed the application's models matched the database<br>
    51 (i.e. you haven't changed it since last syncdb); if you have, you should delete the polls/migrations<br>
    52 directory, revert so it matches the database, and try again.<br>
    53 <br>
    54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
    55 and everytime I changed Poll model and migrate it always got this warning<br>
    56 (mysite)$python schemamigration polls --auto<br>
    57 (mysite)$python migrate polls<br>
    58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
    59 Running migrations for polls:<br>
    60  - Migrating forwards to 0002_auto__add_field_poll_name.<br>
    61  > polls:0002_auto__add_field_poll_name<br>
    62 /Users/don/.virtualenvs/mysite/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField received a naive datetime (2012-03-21 02:05:13.321314) while time zone support is active.<br>
    63   RuntimeWarning)<br>
    64  - Loading initial data for polls.<br>
    65 Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)<br>
    66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
    67 I pip install pytz got nothing help.<br>
    68 But when I created a new virtualenv with django1.3.1, there is no warning at all.<br>
    69 like this<br>
    70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
    71 (mysite2)don$ python schemamigration polls --auto<br>
    72  + Added field title on polls.Poll<br>
    73 Created You can now apply this migration with: ./ migrate polls<br>
    74 (mysite2)don$ python migrate pollsRunning migrations for polls:<br>
    75  - Migrating forwards to 0002_auto__add_field_poll_title.<br>
    76  > polls:0002_auto__add_field_poll_title<br>
    77  - Loading initial data for polls.<br>
    78 No fixtures found.<br>
    79 <br>
    80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
     1I used virtualenvwrapper==3.1[[BR]]
     2$mkvirtualenv mysite[[BR]]
     3$workon mysite[[BR]]
     4(mysite)$pip install Django-1.4c2.tar.gz[[BR]]
     5(mysite)$pip install south[[BR]]
     6(mysite)$tar zxvf MySQL-python-1.2.3.tar.gz[[BR]]
     7(mysite)$cd MySQL-python-1.2.3[[BR]]
     8(mysite)$vi site.cfg   [[BR]]
     9uncommented mysql_config and changed -> /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config[[BR]]
     10changed registry_key -> SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.1[[BR]]
     11(mysite)$python build[[BR]]
     12(mysite)$python setup install[[BR]]
     14(mysite)$pip freeze[[BR]]
     20(mysite)$ startproject mysite[[BR]]
     21(mysite)$./ startapp polls[[BR]]
     22add something to[[BR]]
     24from django.db import models[[BR]]
     26class Poll(models.Model):[[BR]]
     27    question = models.CharField(max_length=200)[[BR]]
     29created a mysql database 'mysite' with utf-8 unicode[[BR]]
     30changed database to mysql[[BR]]
     31added south and polls to INSTALLED_APPS[[BR]]
     32USE_TZ is True by default[[BR]]
     33(mysite)$python syncdb[[BR]]
     34create superuser : no[[BR]]
     35(mysite)$python manage convert_to_south polls[[BR]]
     36got this[[BR]]
     38Creating migrations directory at '/Users/don/Workspaces/test_work/mysite/polls/migrations'...[[BR]]
     39Creating in '/Users/don/Workspaces/test_work/mysite/polls/migrations'...[[BR]]
     40 + Added model polls.Poll[[BR]]
     41Created You can now apply this migration with: ./ migrate polls[[BR]]
     42 - Soft matched migration 0001 to 0001_initial.[[BR]]
     43Running migrations for polls:[[BR]]
     44 - Migrating forwards to 0001_initial.[[BR]]
     45 > polls:0001_initial[[BR]]
     46   (faked)[[BR]]
     47/Users/don/.virtualenvs/mysite/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField received a naive datetime (2012-03-21 02:00:29.098454) while time zone support is active.[[BR]]
     48  RuntimeWarning)[[BR]]
     50App 'polls' converted. Note that South assumed the application's models matched the database[[BR]]
     51(i.e. you haven't changed it since last syncdb); if you have, you should delete the polls/migrations[[BR]]
     52directory, revert so it matches the database, and try again.[[BR]]
     55and everytime I changed Poll model and migrate it always got this warning[[BR]]
     56(mysite)$python schemamigration polls --auto[[BR]]
     57(mysite)$python migrate polls[[BR]]
     59Running migrations for polls:[[BR]]
     60 - Migrating forwards to 0002_auto__add_field_poll_name.[[BR]]
     61 > polls:0002_auto__add_field_poll_name[[BR]]
     62/Users/don/.virtualenvs/mysite/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField received a naive datetime (2012-03-21 02:05:13.321314) while time zone support is active.[[BR]]
     63  RuntimeWarning)[[BR]]
     64 - Loading initial data for polls.[[BR]]
     65Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)[[BR]]
     67I pip install pytz got nothing help.[[BR]]
     68But when I created a new virtualenv with django1.3.1, there is no warning at all.[[BR]]
     69like this[[BR]]
     71(mysite2)don$ python schemamigration polls --auto[[BR]]
     72 + Added field title on polls.Poll[[BR]]
     73Created You can now apply this migration with: ./ migrate polls[[BR]]
     74(mysite2)don$ python migrate pollsRunning migrations for polls:[[BR]]
     75 - Migrating forwards to 0002_auto__add_field_poll_title.[[BR]]
     76 > polls:0002_auto__add_field_poll_title[[BR]]
     77 - Loading initial data for polls.[[BR]]
     78No fixtures found.[[BR]]
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