Ticket #7508: edit_inline_tabular.html

File edit_inline_tabular.html, 1.7 KB (added by Remco Wendt, 17 years ago)

The mentioned file

1{% load admin_modify %}
2<fieldset class="module">
3 <h2>{{ bound_related_object.relation.opts.verbose_name_plural|capfirst }}</h2><table>
4 <thead><tr>
5 {% for fw in bound_related_object.field_wrapper_list %}
6 {% if fw.needs_header %}
7 <th{{ fw.header_class_attribute }}>{{ fw.field.verbose_name|capfirst }}</th>
8 {% endif %}
9 {% endfor %}
10 </tr></thead>
11 {% for fcw in bound_related_object.form_field_collection_wrappers %}
12 {% if change %}{% if original_row_needed %}
13 {% if fcw.obj.original %}
14 <tr class="row-label {% cycle row1,row2 %}"><td colspan="{{ num_headers }}"><strong>{{ fcw.obj.original }}</strong></tr>
15 {% endif %}
16 {% endif %}{% endif %}
17 {% if fcw.obj.errors %}
18 <tr class="errorlist"><td colspan="{{ num_headers }}">
19 {{ fcw.obj.html_combined_error_list }}
20 </tr>
21 {% endif %}
22 <tr class="{% cycle row1,row2 %}">
23 {% for bound_field in fcw.bound_fields %}
24 {% if not bound_field.hidden %}
25 <td {{ bound_field.cell_class_attribute }}>
26 {{ bound_field.html_error_list }}
27 {% field_widget bound_field %}
28 </td>
29 {% endif %}
30 {% endfor %}
31 {% if bound_related_object.show_url %}<td>
32 {% if fcw.obj.original %}<a href="/r/{{ fcw.obj.original.content_type_id }}/{{ fcw.obj.original.id }}/">View on site</a>{% endif %}
33 </td>{% endif %}
34 </tr>
36 {% endfor %} </table>
38 {% for fcw in bound_related_object.form_field_collection_wrappers %}
39 {% for bound_field in fcw.bound_fields %}
40 {% if bound_field.hidden %}
41 {% field_widget bound_field %}
42 {% endif %}
43 {% endfor %}
44 {% endfor %}
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