20 | | Some other builders run on all pull requests: |
21 | | * [https://djangoci.com/job/flake8/ flake8] - runs the equivalent of `flake8` from the root checkout directory and fails if there are any warnings |
22 | | * [https://djangoci.com/job/docs/ docs] - runs the equivalent of `make spelling` from the docs directory and fails if there are any spelling or sphinx errors. |
23 | | * [https://djangoci.com/job/isort/ isort] - runs `isort --recursive --check-only .` from the root checkout directory and fails if any imports aren't [https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/contributing/writing-code/coding-style/#imports sorted properly]. |
24 | | * [https://djangoci.com/job/pull-requests-javascript/ pull-requests-javascript] - runs the [https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/contributing/writing-code/javascript/#testing-from-the-command-line JavaScript tests]. |
25 | | * [https://djangoci.com/view/PR%20Builders/job/pull-requests-windows/ pull-requests-windows] - runs with Python 3.9.x (see django-windows below) |
| 20 | Some other builders run on all pull requests via GitHub actions: |
| 21 | * `black` - runs `black` from the root checkout directory and fails if there are any warnings. |
| 22 | * `flake8` - runs `flake8` from the root checkout directory and fails if there are any warnings. |
| 23 | * `docs` - runs `make spelling` from the `docs/` directory and fails if there are any spelling or sphinx errors. |
| 24 | * `isort` - runs `isort --check --diff .` from the root checkout directory and fails if any imports aren't [https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/contributing/writing-code/coding-style/#imports sorted properly]. |
| 25 | * `JavaScript tests` - runs [https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/contributing/writing-code/javascript/#testing-from-the-command-line npm test] and fails if there are any errors |
| 26 | * `Windows tests` - runs with Python 3.10.x. |