Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #8784, comment 19

Dec 5, 2012, 4:45:49 PM (12 years ago)
Henrique C. Alves


  • Ticket #8784, comment 19

    v1 v2  
    1 Ticket #19434 is related to this. The API doesn't accept aliases on methods (`filter()`, etc.), neither does it expose the `HAVING` clause. That means not only it makes it hard to use aliases, it even goes the extra mile by *keeping* you from writing `HAVING` clauses, and you are left high and dry in the ORM.
     1Ticket #19434 is related to this. The API doesn't accept aliases on methods (`filter()`, etc.), neither does it expose the `HAVING` clause. That means not only it does not support aliases, it even goes the extra mile by keeping you from writing your own `HAVING` clauses, and you are left high and dry in the ORM.
    3 Resorting `raw` is not a solution, since it's not functionally equivalent to `QuerySet` objects. The whole argument about not having SQL specific features on the ORM is moot too, since the only thing the ORM supports right now is SQL.
     3Resorting to `raw` is not a solution, since it's not functionally equivalent to `QuerySet` objects. The whole argument about not having SQL specific features on the ORM is moot too, since the only thing the ORM supports right now is SQL.
    55I feel this should be reopened and discussed further. Dealing with aliases is not uncommon and the ORM lacks terribly on this field now.
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