Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #4102, comment 69

Feb 27, 2012, 12:56:48 PM (13 years ago)
Matt Long


  • Ticket #4102, comment 69

    initial v1  
    11After reviewing the history of this ticket, it seems what started as a simple opt-in feature request of adding a field white-list to the Model's save function morphed into a complicated dirty flag approach that obviously has many edge cases and performance implications given that this ticket has been open for 5 years now. Just compare the very first proposed patch to the latest to see what I mean.
    3 Unfortunately, this seemed to have happened without much discussion about the relative merits of each approach. I would prefer the Django ORM leave it to me to decide which fields I would like to update rather than relying on it to correctly infer which fields I would like updated. Clearly some people differently and favor the dirty flag approach for a more hands-off approach. As such, I propose adding support for both methods so that developers can choose the right approach for their use case.
     3Unfortunately, this seemed to have happened without much discussion about the relative merits of each approach. I would prefer the Django ORM leave it to me to decide which fields I would like to update rather than relying on it to correctly infer which fields I would like updated. Clearly some people feel differently and favor the dirty flag approach for a more hands-off approach. As such, I propose adding support for both methods so that developers can choose the right approach for their use case.
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