Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #33615

Apr 2, 2022, 2:15:50 PM (2 years ago)
Nasir Iqbal


  • Ticket #33615 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 I feel like the web has come a long way from just being static HTML pages that we can manipulate using serverside languages and frameworks like Python and Django. nowadays most of the projects are single-page applications that consist of a separate frontend (ReactJS, VueJs, etc) and a backend (Django, FastApi, Flask, etc) but the main Django project is still focused on Server-side rendering of HTML .so why my proposal is that we should mention and other packages like drf  on the main Django documentation so it is easy for beginners to get started with Django to make awesome Apis and the same goes graphql with Django using Graphene
     1I feel like the web has come a long way from just being static HTML pages that we can manipulate using serverside languages and frameworks like Python and Django. nowadays most of the projects are single-page applications that consist of a separate frontend (ReactJS, VueJs, etc) and a backend (Django, FastApi, Flask, etc) but the main Django project is still focused on Server-side rendering of HTML .so why my proposal is that we should mention and other packages like DRF  on the main Django documentation so it is easy for beginners to get started with Django to make awesome Apis and the same goes Graphql with Django using Graphene . I would love to hear your guys' opinions on it and would love to contribute to it as well Thanks.
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