Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #31515, comment 20

Apr 27, 2020, 4:15:38 PM (4 years ago)
Andrew Godwin


  • Ticket #31515, comment 20

    initial v1  
    1 Well, we would have to find exactly where the bug is first before fixing it. Nothing I know of in my quick glance through the code made it obvious where it could be; we seem to correctly handle the `close_old_connections` call even in Django 3.0 ASGI mode (not calling `close_old_connections` is basically the cause of this bug).
     1Well, we would have to find exactly where the bug is first before fixing it. Nothing I know of in my quick glance through the code made it obvious where it could be; we seem to correctly handle the `close_old_connections` call even in Django 3.0 ASGI mode (not calling `close_old_connections` is often the cause of this bug).
    33I never figured out why during Channels development, but the MySQL backend seems specifically prone to these sorts of issues even when it should be fine. I think if you set a non-zero MAX_AGE it should clear itself up, if you can take that operationally, otherwise I think you may have to run on WSGI rather than ASGI for now (unless we track down exactly what is doing this)
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