Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#31126 closed Cleanup/optimization

Add a cross-reference to the staticfiles prefixes in the "Configuring static files" docs. — at Version 2

Reported by: Abhijeet Viswa Owned by: Abhijeet Viswa
Component: Documentation Version: dev
Severity: Normal Keywords: documentation, static-files
Cc: Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: yes UI/UX: no

Description (last modified by Abhijeet Viswa)

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Mariusz Felisiak, 5 years ago

Summary: Document static file namespaces (prefixes) in Managing Static Files documentationAdd a cross-reference to the staticfiles prefixes in the "Configuring static files" docs.
Triage Stage: UnreviewedAccepted

IMO both docs are in the right places, moreover howto/static-files/index.txt mentions namespaces in the Static file namespacing admonition. Nevertheless adding a cross reference to the docs/ref/settings.txt seems like a good idea, e.g.

--- a/docs/howto/static-files/index.txt
+++ b/docs/howto/static-files/index.txt
     distinguish between them. We need to be able to point Django at the right
-    one, and the best way to ensure this is by *namespacing* them. That is,
-    by putting those static files inside *another* directory named for the
-    application itself.
+    one, and the best way to ensure this is by :ref:`namespacing them
+    <staticfiles-dirs-prefixes>`. That is, by putting those static files inside
+    *another* directory named for the application itself.

--- a/docs/ref/settings.txt
+++ b/docs/ref/settings.txt
+.. _staticfiles-dirs-prefixes:
 Prefixes (optional)

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by Abhijeet Viswa, 5 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Replying to felixxm:

IMO both docs are in the right places, moreover howto/static-files/index.txt mentions namespaces in the Static file namespacing admonition. Nevertheless adding a cross reference to the docs/ref/settings.txt seems like a good idea, e.g.

--- a/docs/howto/static-files/index.txt
+++ b/docs/howto/static-files/index.txt
     distinguish between them. We need to be able to point Django at the right
-    one, and the best way to ensure this is by *namespacing* them. That is,
-    by putting those static files inside *another* directory named for the
-    application itself.
+    one, and the best way to ensure this is by :ref:`namespacing them
+    <staticfiles-dirs-prefixes>`. That is, by putting those static files inside
+    *another* directory named for the application itself.

--- a/docs/ref/settings.txt
+++ b/docs/ref/settings.txt
+.. _staticfiles-dirs-prefixes:
 Prefixes (optional)

The Static file namespacing admonition in howto/static-files/index.txt mentions namespaces in relation with static files for a particular app (my_app/static). I am talking about prefixes in context of FileSystemFinder and the STATICFILE_DIRS setting.

The reason why I speak of prefixes in particular is because I had a particular case where I needed them to be served as static files and at the same time include them in a meaningful directory structure of my code repository. The default action is the contents of the files are moved to the STATIC_ROOT folder. Using prefixes meant I could namespace the static files properly and hence link to them (from outside templates) using straight forward and intutive links.

I'll have a patch ready by tonight.

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