Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #30284

Mar 23, 2019, 6:28:54 PM (6 years ago)
Tobias Bengfort


  • Ticket #30284 – Description

    initial v1  
    3 `User.is_active` is checked in `ModelBackend.get_all_permissions()`, `ModelBackend.has_perm()` and `ModelBackend.has_module_perms()`. I think the last two are redundant and should be removed.
     3`User.is_active` is checked in `ModelBackend` on all of these methods:
     5- `get_user_permissions()`
     6- `get_group_permissions()`
     7- `get_all_permissions()`
     8- `has_perm()`
     9- `has_module_perms()`
     11I think the last three are redundant and should be removed.
    513timgraham had [ concerns] though:
    7 > I'm unsure about removing the "redundant" is_active checks. It might be that some ModelBackend sublcasses rely on them. For example, if you subclass get_all_permissions() and omitting the is_active check (which wasn't there prior to Django 1.8 [ c33447a])... then your application would still have is_active checks in the other methods. This needs careful consideration and perhaps a discussion on the mailing list as to whether the benefits are worth the possible security issues. At least a release note is required. I'm not sure if this is required as part of the "BaseBackend" change, but I think it merits its own ticket.
     15> I'm unsure about removing the "redundant" is_active checks. It might be that some ModelBackend sublcasses rely on them. For example, if you subclass get_all_permissions() and omitting the is_active check (which wasn't there prior to Django 1.8 [ c33447a])... then your application would still have is_active checks in the other methods. This needs careful consideration and perhaps a discussion on the mailing list as to whether the benefits are worth the possible security issues.
    9 My opinion is exactly the opposite: If a ModelBackend subclass does not check `is_active` in `get_all_permissions()` that is a bug and potentially even a security issue. The redundand checks  hide these issues and therefore make it harder to find them.
     17My opinion is exactly the opposite: If a ModelBackend subclass does not check `is_active` in `get_all_permissions()` that is a bug and potentially even a security issue. The redundand checks hide these issues and therefore make it harder to find them.
    1119I also think that the different methods should be consitent: If a permission is returned by `get_all_permissions()`, then checking that permission with `has_perm()` should return `True`. The only reason to do anything special in `has_perm()` is for performance optimizations.
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