Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #29904, comment 3

Oct 30, 2018, 4:49:39 AM (6 years ago)
Vackar Afzal


  • Ticket #29904, comment 3

    initial v1  
    33Nullability has nothing to do with the representation of the null, just wether or not the field may be null.
    44i.e If a column has a not null constraint, it should not accept an empty string or 'Null'
    5 With Django's current behaviour, since declaring a field as not null has no effect, both 'Null' and '' may be inserted without issue.
     5With Django's current behaviour, since declaring a field as not null has no effect, both 'Null' and blank strings may be inserted without issue.
    66I would argue that this is a broken design. How are raw queries enforced, or additional clients that have no knowledge of the Django's internal checks and conversions?
    77If Django needs to do internal checks, it should use the value of 'blank' and not 'null' to be consistent with other backends. Oracle supports not null constraints, why not exploit that?
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