Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #29049, comment 22

Nov 18, 2022, 3:36:09 PM (22 months ago)
Abhinav Yadav


  • Ticket #29049, comment 22

    initial v1  
    11I have been reading up about this issue to continue and finish it off from where David left it, and I have some doubts. The SQL query left by Felix [ in this comment] also doesn't generate any QuerySet or objects. I tried to run that query using `Manager.raw()`, which generated no results.
    3 Further I investigated the `resolve_expression` method of `SliceableF` class in `django/db/models/`, and compared it to other implementations of resovle_expression method in other classes but couldn't find anything concrete which might point to where the error might be.
     3Further I investigated the `resolve_expression` method of `SliceableF` class in `django/db/models/`, and compared it to other implementations of resolve_expression method in other classes but couldn't find anything concrete which might point to where the error might be.
    55Does a special method for handling slicing and indexing for OuterRef query need to be written so it is properly resolved? That is what I'm thinking because I can't find anything else that is properly handling slicing for OuterRef Queries, unless I'm missing something.
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