Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of Ticket #27332, comment 6

Oct 10, 2016, 7:17:26 PM (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #27332, comment 6

    v12 v13  
    11[comment:5 Tim Graham],
    2 I understand that it has a duplicate title, but only in that terms, because the problems differ - in that issue it is provided the equivalent solution using `extra()` and `aggregate()` method, while here, there isn't any possible one. It addresses the different scope of the problem described in the title, which technically (if pointed out on efficiency like always), is unsolvable using current ORM expressions. Therefore, I expect from you or other people involved in Django development to provide or guide me towards the proper solution of the problem, as I certainly can't help to myself in solving this. I really tried hard focusing on and examining ORM features in detail but no avail. I doubt that anyone would properly solve it until some new feature is added which allows such.
     2I understand that it has a duplicate title, but only in that terms, because the problems differ - in that issue it is provided the equivalent solution using `extra()` and `aggregate()` method, while here, there isn't any possible one. It addresses the different scope of the problem described in the title, which technically (if pointed out on efficiency like always), is unsolvable using current ORM expressions. Therefore, I expect from you or other people involved in Django development to provide or guide me towards the proper solution of the problem, as I certainly can't help to myself in solving this. I really tried hard focusing on and examining ORM features in detail and asking others, but no avail. I doubt that anyone would properly solve it until some new feature is added which would allow such thing to be achieved.
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