Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #26242, comment 2

Feb 19, 2016, 8:34:38 AM (9 years ago)
Jakub Skiepko


  • Ticket #26242, comment 2

    initial v1  
    11My use case is probably silly and not worth of braking your constraints, but I believe this PR does not break one about consistency of app registry - it just lets you do what could do anyway but earlier. The other constraint about importing models after apps is not documented properly and I didn't knew about it. ref: ("Strictly speaking, Django allows importing models once their application configuration is loaded")
    3 In my opinion it is not consistient, that models have to magicaly install themselves in metaclass while applications are installed manualy using INSTALLED_APPS. If it was the app who installs models using in example self.installed_models you wo't need any additional constraints about import order.
     3In my opinion it is not consistient, that models have to magicaly install themselves in metaclass while applications are installed manualy using INSTALLED_APPS. If it was the app who installs models using in example self.installed_models you wouldn't need any additional constraints about import order.
    55My use case: In my projects i like to have "external api" of application in Sadly lots of this api uses models. It is just a way to have "import models" statement in my, and every module they importing from on module level and not copied to every function there which obscures readability. I would rather explicit assign app_labels to my models.
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