Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #24524, comment 7

Mar 23, 2015, 5:51:11 PM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #24524, comment 7

    initial v1  
    11Well, I've digged into this myself now, and I must say: This is completely nonsensical:
    3 When using the AbstractUser class to create a custom user model *exactly as outlined in Django's docs* at least the first " migrate" must work and must create an empty database table layout. The sole purpose of the AbstractUser class is to extend the basic user with more fields. But as you describe it, the whole class is just useless and doomed to fail. By teh way: Permissions and auth group tables are automatically created with the AbstractUser model.
     3When using the AbstractUser class to create a custom user model *exactly as outlined in Django's docs* at least the first " migrate" must work and must create an empty database table layout. The sole purpose of the AbstractUser class is to extend the basic user with more fields. But as you describe it, the whole class is just useless and doomed to fail. By the way: Permissions and auth group tables are automatically created with the AbstractUser model.
    55So, either I'm doing something plainly wrong here, or the docs are lacking some critical information/solutions, or the whole construct doesn't male sense as it is.
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