Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #19582, comment 5

Feb 18, 2013, 7:21:08 PM (12 years ago)
James Pic


  • Ticket #19582, comment 5

    initial v1  
    1 Here some things I'd like to change.
     1I have intented a rewrite of the first part (based on Alec's work and Zed's remarks) in a branch:
    3 - given the general confusion on how to add a static file to a
    4   project, I would rewrite the first part so that it goes straight
    5   to the point: ie. "Install a static file in your project:
    6   how to add jQuery"
    7 - second part of the tutorial would be deployment,
    8 - third part would be using app/static subfolder,
    9 - wording issues, for example "assets" is a word I (as a self
    10   learner, non english) learnt from reading about Rails, so I
    11   think it can be confusing for other users. It would be better to
    12   name "static files" just "static files"
    14 Also, I have tried django 1.5 starter project: it looks like every django project that will need at least one static file (most projects) will have to setup `STATICFILES_DIRS=[os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')]`. What's the point ? Couldn't we change that and make it default ?
    16 I mean, it could potentially be as easy as:
    18 > drop style.css in `your_project/static` and use
    19 > `{{ STATIC_URL }}style.css` or `{% static 'style.css' %}` in the template
    21 (Sorry I had totally forgotten about this and forgot to CC myself
    22 ... Note that I've read both document and I can ensure
    23 that every point listed by Zed has a response in the new
    24 tutorial.)
     3I think it is more straight forward, and it should match expectations of newcomers which Zed so elegantly described :)
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