Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #15366, comment 4

Mar 2, 2011, 3:14:23 PM (14 years ago)


  • Ticket #15366, comment 4

    initial v1  
    33There is possibly the issue that could arise were there are several backends for which the user has inactive accounts, some of which allow inactive users to log in while others do not. In this scenario the user would be rejected if the first backend that had credentials for him  didn't allow inactive users to log in ever if others in the list did or even if he had an active account further down the list of backends.
    5 Is inactive user login going to be a project wide setting for all backends or be handled on a backend by backend basis? If it's project wide the approach should work alright, but it still ignore active accounts further down in the list. If it's backend by backend what would be the appropriate authentication handling under the scenario presented?
     5Is inactive user login going to be a project wide setting for all backends or be handled on a backend by backend basis? If it's project wide the approach should work alright, but it still ignores active accounts further down in the list. If it's backend by backend what would be the appropriate authentication handling under the scenario presented?
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