Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #15272, comment 4

Feb 11, 2011, 6:25:29 PM (14 years ago)
Łukasz Rekucki


  • Ticket #15272, comment 4

    initial v1  
    1 This is a bit related to #14018. In both cases, it would be great to have a pluralized version of the model's name, but a one that's a valid variable name. Falling back to {{{"%s_list"}}} is a good idea. Adding {{{name_plural}}} to model's Meta would allow for optional nicer names. Either way, this also need an update to the docs. Current docs don't even describe the previous behaviour (maybe just remove it then, as undocumented ?).
     1This is a bit related to #14018. In both cases, it would be great to have a pluralized version of the model's name, but a one that's a valid variable name. Falling back to {{{"%s_list"}}} is a good idea. Adding {{{name_plural}}} to model's Meta would allow for optional nicer names. Either way, this also needs an update to the docs. Current docs don't even describe the current behaviour (maybe just remove it then, as undocumented ?).
    33As for error messages, it's a separate issue that should be dealt with a separate ticket. IMHO, they should be translated, so using verbose name is ok there.
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