Running tests with database 'mysql' Creating test database Initializing test database Running app tests basic model: Importing basic model: Installing basic model: Running tests custom_columns model: Importing custom_columns model: Installing custom_columns model: Running tests custom_methods model: Importing custom_methods model: Installing custom_methods model: Running tests custom_pk model: Importing custom_pk model: Installing custom_pk model: Running tests get_latest model: Importing get_latest model: Installing get_latest model: Running tests lookup model: Importing lookup model: Installing lookup model: Running tests m2m_intermediary model: Importing m2m_intermediary model: Installing m2m_intermediary model: Running tests m2o_recursive model: Importing m2o_recursive model: Installing m2o_recursive model: Running tests m2o_recursive2 model: Importing m2o_recursive2 model: Installing m2o_recursive2 model: Running tests many_to_many model: Importing many_to_many model: Installing many_to_many model: Running tests many_to_one model: Importing many_to_one model: Installing many_to_one model: Running tests many_to_one_null model: Importing many_to_one_null model: Installing many_to_one_null model: Running tests one_to_one model: Importing one_to_one model: Installing one_to_one model: Running tests ordering model: Importing ordering model: Installing ordering model: Running tests repr model: Importing repr model: Installing repr model: Running tests save_delete_hooks model: Importing save_delete_hooks model: Installing save_delete_hooks model: Running tests subclassing model: Importing subclassing model: Installing subclassing model: Running tests Running other tests cache module: Importing dateformat module: Importing db_typecasts module: Importing defaultfilters module: Importing defaultfilters module: running tests markup module: Importing templates module: Importing templates module: running tests Template test: basic-syntax01 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax02 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax03 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax04 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax06 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax07 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax08 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax09 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax10 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax11 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax12 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax13 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax14 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax15 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax16 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax17 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax18 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax19 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax20 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax21 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax22 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax23 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax24 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax25 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax26 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax27 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax28 -- Passed Template test: basic-syntax29 -- Passed Template test: comment-tag01 -- Passed Template test: comment-tag02 -- Passed Template test: exception01 -- Passed Template test: exception02 -- Passed Template test: exception03 -- Passed Template test: exception04 -- Passed Template test: for-tag-vars01 -- Passed Template test: for-tag-vars02 -- Passed Template test: for-tag-vars03 -- Passed Template test: for-tag-vars04 -- Passed Template test: for-tag01 -- Passed Template test: for-tag02 -- Passed Template test: i18n01 -- Passed Template test: i18n02 -- Passed Template test: i18n03 -- Passed Template test: i18n04 -- Passed Template test: i18n05 -- Passed Template test: i18n06 -- Passed Template test: i18n07 -- Passed Template test: i18n08 -- Passed Template test: i18n09 -- Passed Template test: i18n10 -- FAILED. Got exceptions.TypeError, exception: 'str' object is not callable Template test: i18n11 -- Passed Template test: i18n12 -- Passed Template test: i18n13 -- FAILED. Got exceptions.TypeError, exception: 'str' object is not callable Template test: if-tag01 -- Passed Template test: if-tag02 -- Passed Template test: if-tag03 -- Passed Template test: ifequal01 -- Passed Template test: ifequal02 -- Passed Template test: ifequal03 -- Passed Template test: ifequal04 -- Passed Template test: ifequal05 -- Passed Template test: ifequal06 -- Passed Template test: ifequal07 -- Passed Template test: ifequal08 -- Passed Template test: ifequal09 -- Passed Template test: ifequal10 -- Passed Template test: ifnotequal01 -- Passed Template test: ifnotequal02 -- Passed Template test: ifnotequal03 -- Passed Template test: ifnotequal04 -- Passed Template test: inheritance01 -- Passed Template test: inheritance02 -- Passed Template test: inheritance03 -- Passed Template test: inheritance04 -- Passed Template test: inheritance05 -- Passed Template test: inheritance06 -- Passed Template test: inheritance07 -- Passed Template test: inheritance08 -- Passed Template test: inheritance09 -- Passed Template test: inheritance10 -- Passed Template test: inheritance11 -- Passed Template test: inheritance12 -- Passed Template test: inheritance13 -- Passed Template test: inheritance14 -- Passed Template test: inheritance15 -- Passed Template test: inheritance16 -- Passed Template test: inheritance17 -- Passed Template test: inheritance18 -- Passed Template test: inheritance19 -- Passed Template test: inheritance20 -- Passed Template test: inheritance21 -- Passed Template test: inheritance22 -- Passed Template test: inheritance23 -- Passed Deleting test database 'one_to_one' module: API test raised an exception ================================================= Code: "w = r.add_waiter(name='Joe')" Line: 40 Exception: File "c:\tmp\django\tests\", line 1243, in __run compileflags, 1) in test.globs File "", line 1, in ? w = r.add_waiter(name='Joe') File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\utils\", line 3, in _curried return args[0](*(args[1:]+moreargs), **dict(kwargs.items() + morekwargs.items())) File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\core\meta\", line 950, in method_add_related obj = rel_mod.Klass(**init_kwargs) File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\utils\", line 3, in _curried return args[0](*(args[1:]+moreargs), **dict(kwargs.items() + morekwargs.items())) File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\core\meta\", line 762, in method_init raise TypeError, "Invalid value: %r should be a %s instance, not a %s" % (,, type(rel_obj)) TypeError: Invalid value: 'restaurant' should be a instance, not a 'one_to_one' module: API test raised an exception ================================================= Code: '' Line: 41 Exception: File "c:\tmp\django\tests\", line 1243, in __run compileflags, 1) in test.globs File "", line 1, in ? NameError: name 'w' is not defined 'one_to_one' module: API test raised an exception ================================================= Code: 'w' Line: 42 Exception: File "c:\tmp\django\tests\", line 1243, in __run compileflags, 1) in test.globs File "", line 1, in ? w NameError: name 'w' is not defined 'dateformat' module: Error while importing ========================================== File "c:\tmp\django\tests\", line 155, in run_tests mod = __import__("othertests." + module, '', '', ['']) File "c:\tmp\django\tests\othertests\", line 71, in ? time.tzset() AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'tzset' 'markup' module: Error while importing ====================================== File "c:\tmp\django\tests\", line 155, in run_tests mod = __import__("othertests." + module, '', '', ['']) File "c:\tmp\django\tests\othertests\", line 51, in ? assert rendered == markdown_content AssertionError 'templates' module: Exception running tests =========================================== File "c:\tmp\django\tests\", line 168, in run_tests mod.run_tests(verbosity_level) File "c:\tmp\django\tests\othertests\", line 304, in run_tests raise Exception, msg Exception: Template tests ['i18n10', 'i18n13'] failed. 6 errors: