Ticket #992: date_based.2.diff

File date_based.2.diff, 933 bytes (added by James Bennett, 19 years ago)

New patch that doesn't hate the month of November

  • django/views/generic/date_based.py

    108108    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    109109    # Calculate first and last day of month, for use in a date-range lookup.
    110110    first_day = date.replace(day=1)
    111     last_day = date
    112     for i in (31, 30, 29, 28):
    113         try:
    114             last_day = last_day.replace(day=i)
    115         except ValueError:
    116             continue
    117         else:
    118             break
     111    try:
     112        last_day = first_day.replace(month=(first_day.month+1)%12)
     113    except ValueError:
     114        last_day = first_day.replace(month=(first_day.month+1))
    119115    lookup_kwargs = {'%s__range' % date_field: (first_day, last_day)}
    120116    # Only bother to check current date if the month isn't in the past.
    121117    if last_day >= now.date():
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