Ticket #9850: format_U.diff

File format_U.diff, 785 bytes (added by Tim Graham, 16 years ago)

initial fix

  • docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt

    493493                      month, 2 characters.
    494494    t                 Number of days in the given month.        ``28`` to ``31``
    495495    T                 Time zone of this machine.                ``'EST'``, ``'MDT'``
    496     U                 Not implemented.
     496    U                 Number of seconds since the Unix Epoc.    ``'1238638270'``
    497497    w                 Day of the week, digits without           ``'0'`` (Sunday) to ``'6'`` (Saturday)
    498498                      leading zeros.
    499499    W                 ISO-8601 week number of year, with        ``1``, ``53``
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