1 | class Model(object):
2 | def __init__(self, table_name):
3 | self.table_name = table_name
4 |
5 | def query(self, *result):
6 | return Query(self.table_name, result)
7 |
8 | class Query(object):
9 | def __init__(self, table, clauses=None):
10 | if (clauses):
11 | self.object = WhereAnd(clauses)
12 | else:
13 | self.object = None
14 |
15 | self.results = None
16 | self.len = None
17 | self.table = table
18 | self.parent = None
19 |
20 | def __iadd__(self, other):
21 | "Results from self += other"
22 | assert self.table == other.table, "Table mismatch in queries."
23 | assert self.parent == other.parent, "Parent mismatch in queries. They both aren't subqueries of the same query."
24 | self.object = WhereOr((self.object, other.object))
25 | self.results = None # Since we're modifying this, delete our caches
26 | self.len = None
27 | return self
28 |
29 | def __add__(self, other):
30 | "Results from (self + other)"
31 | assert self.table == other.table, "Table mismatch in queries."
32 | assert self.parent == other.parent, "Parent mismatch in queries. They both aren't subqueries of the same query."
33 | q = Query(self.table)
34 | q.object = WhereOr((self.object, other.object))
35 | q.parent = self.parent
36 | return q
37 |
38 | def _get_final_object(self):
39 | "Resovles the final object in case this Query has a parent (is a sub-query)."
40 | if (self.parent == None):
41 | return self.object
42 | else:
43 | return WhereAnd((self.object, self.parent.object))
44 |
45 | def fetch(self):
46 | "Hits the database, and returns the results"
47 | print "SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE %r" % (self.table, self._get_final_object())
48 | self.results = ["Bob"] # Since we don't actually have a database, return Bob.
49 | return self.results
50 |
51 | def _count(self):
52 | "If we don't actually use the results, and just need the length, this optimizes it a bit."
53 | print "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `%s` WHERE %r" % (self.table, self._get_final_object())
54 | self.len = 1
55 |
56 | def sub_query(self, *clauses):
57 | "Creates a sub-query, all results in that query come from the results of this."
58 | q = Query(self.table, clauses)
59 | q.parent = self
60 | return q
61 |
62 | def __iter__(self):
63 | "Container emulation"
64 | if (self.results == None):
65 | self.fetch()
66 | return self.results.__iter__()
67 |
68 | def __len__(self):
69 | "Container emulation"
70 | if (self.results): # If we have results, return the length of those
71 | return len(self.results)
72 | elif (self.len == None): # If we don't have a cache of the length, query the database
73 | self._count()
74 | return self.len # We must have a cache of the length, so return that.
75 |
76 | def __getitem__(self, i):
77 | "Container emulation"
78 | if (self.results == None):
79 | self.fetch()
80 | return self.results[i]
81 |
82 | def __contains__(self, o):
83 | "Container emulation | i.e. if (o in self):"
84 | if (self.results == None):
85 | self.fetch()
86 | return o in self.results
87 |
88 | def __str__(self):
89 | "Container emulation | print self"
90 | if (self.results):
91 | return str(self.results)
92 | else:
93 | return str(self.fetch())
94 |
95 | class WhereOr(object):
96 | "OR clause"
97 | def __init__(self, clauses):
98 | self.clauses = clauses
99 |
100 | def __repr__(self):
101 | return "(%s)" % " OR ".join([repr(c) for c in self.clauses])
102 |
103 | class WhereAnd(object):
104 | "AND clause"
105 | def __init__(self, clauses):
106 | self.clauses = clauses
107 |
108 | def __repr__(self):
109 | return "(%s)" % " AND ".join([repr(c) for c in self.clauses])
110 |
111 | class WhereClause(object):
112 | "Operator clause | i.e. field < value"
113 | def __init__(self, *args):
114 | self.args = args
115 |
116 | def __repr__(self):
117 | return "%s %s %r" % self.args
118 |
119 | class Field(object):
120 | def __init__(self, name):
121 | self.name = name
122 |
123 | def __lt__(self, other):
124 | return WhereClause(self.name, "<", other)
125 |
126 | def __gt__(self, other):
127 | return WhereClause(self.name, ">", other)
128 |
129 | def __eq__(self, other):
130 | return WhereClause(self.name, "=", other)
131 |
132 | def __ne__(self, other):
133 | return WhereClause(self.name, "<>", other)
134 |
135 | def __le__(self, other):
136 | return WhereClause(self.name, "<=", other)
137 |
138 | def __ge__(self, other):
139 | return WhereClause(self.name, ">=", other)
140 |
141 | def contains(self, other):
142 | return WhereClause(self.name, "LIKE", "%%%s%%" % other)
143 |
144 | def startswith(self, other):
145 | return WhereClause(self.name, "LIKE", "%s%%" % other)
146 |
147 | def endswith(self, other):
148 | return WhereClause(self.name, "LIKE", "%%%s" % other)
149 |
150 | class FieldFactory(object):
151 | def __getattr__(self, k):
152 | return Field(k)
153 |
154 | def __getitem__(self, i):
155 | return Field(i)
156 |
157 | # These would be imported, as in:
158 | # django.models.app import polls, choices
159 | # django.database import field
160 | field = FieldFactory()
161 | polls = Model('polls')
162 | choices = Model('choices')
163 |
164 |
165 | # The results will always be ['Bob'], because we aren't actually talking to a database.
166 |
167 | # Basic union:
168 | results = choices.query(field.choice == 'A choice')
169 | results += choices.query(field.votes > 4)
170 | print results[0] # Database hit
171 |
172 | # Sub-query:
173 | results = choices.query(field.choice == 'A choice')
174 | popular_choices = results.sub_query(field.votes > 10)
175 | print popular_choices # Database hit
176 |
177 | # Equivelant to the Sub-query
178 | popular_choices = choices.query(field.choice == 'A choice', field.votes > 10)
179 | print popular_choices # Database hit
180 |
181 | # LIKE / Startswith
182 | obstaining = choices.query(field.choice.startswith("I don't know"))
183 | print obstaining
184 |
185 | # Never called
186 | never_results = choices.query(field.choice == 'There is never results, cause I am never used.')
187 |
188 | # Fetched
189 | results = choices.query(field.choice == 'A choice')
190 | results.fetch() # Database hit
191 | print results # Cache used
192 |
193 | # Only counted
194 | results = choices.query(field.choice == 'A choice')
195 | print len(results) # Database hit, but only with a count
196 |
197 | # Uncomment to create an Assertion error, because we're adding two different table results
198 | #results = polls.query(field.question == 'Love to error out!')
199 | #results += choices.query(field.choice == 'A choice and a question? Throw Assertion!')
200 |