Ticket #8590: 8590.comment-upgrade-doc.diff

File 8590.comment-upgrade-doc.diff, 1.1 KB (added by Julien Phalip, 16 years ago)
  • django/django/docs/ref/contrib/comments/upgrade.txt

    2929Upgrading data
    32 The data models have changed, as have the table names. To transfer your data into the new system, you'll need to directly run the following SQL:
     32The data models have changed, as have the table names. First, make sure that you
     33have installed the new system as explained in the
     34:ref:`quick start guide <ref-contrib-comments-index-quick-start-guide>` so that
     35the new tables are properly created. Then, to transfer your data into the new
     36system, you'll need to directly run the following SQL:
    3438.. code-block:: sql
    6165    );
    6367    COMMIT;
     69Finally, if you're directly updating the code via SVN, make sure to delete all
     70stale *.pyc files remaining from the old system as they may cause some clashes.
     71 No newline at end of file
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