Ticket #7329: admin_classes.diff

File admin_classes.diff, 1.1 KB (added by Ben Spaulding, 16 years ago)

Patch to add list_display option to flatpage and redirect Admin classes.

  • django/contrib/flatpages/models.py

    2626            (None, {'fields': ('url', 'title', 'content', 'sites')}),
    2727            (_('Advanced options'), {'classes': 'collapse', 'fields': ('enable_comments', 'registration_required', 'template_name')}),
    2828        )
    29         list_filter = ('sites',)
     29        list_display = ('url', 'title')
     30        list_filter = ('sites', 'enable_comments', 'registration_required')
    3031        search_fields = ('url', 'title')
    3233    def __unicode__(self):
  • django/contrib/redirects/models.py

    1717        ordering = ('old_path',)
    1919    class Admin:
     20        list_display = ('old_path', 'new_path')
    2021        list_filter = ('site',)
    2122        search_fields = ('old_path', 'new_path')
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