Ticket #7136: patch_for_rev7513.diff

File patch_for_rev7513.diff, 4.5 KB (added by socrates, 16 years ago)

stricter type checking

  • django/db/models/fields/related.py

    171171        if instance is None:
    172172            raise AttributeError, "%s must be accessed via instance" % self.related.opts.object_name
    174         try:
    175             return getattr(instance, self.cache_name)
    176         except AttributeError:
     174        rel_obj = getattr(instance, self.cache_name, None)
     175        if rel_obj and type(rel_obj) == self.related.model:
     176            return rel_obj
     177        else:
    177178            params = {'%s__pk' % self.related.field.name: instance._get_pk_val()}
    178179            rel_obj = self.related.model._default_manager.get(**params)
    179180            setattr(instance, self.cache_name, rel_obj)
  • tests/modeltests/model_inheritance/models.py

    Property changes on: tests
    Name: svn:ignore
       - *.pyc
       + *.pyc
    9393    def __unicode__(self):
    9494        return u"%s the parking lot" % self.name
     97# Multiple inheritance (multi table)
     100class Vehicle(models.Model):
     101        name = models.TextField()
     103        def __unicode__(self):
     104                return u"A vehicle called %s" % self.name
     106class Car(Vehicle):
     107        wheels = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4)
     109        def __unicode__(self):
     110                return u"A car called %(name)s with %(wheels)s wheels" % \
     111                        {'name': self.name, 'wheels': self.wheels}
     113class Boat(Vehicle):
     114        has_sail = models.BooleanField(default=True)
     116        def __unicode__(self):
     117                with_or_without = self.has_sail and "with" or "without"
     118                return u"A boat called %(name)s %(with_or_without)s a sail" % \
     119                        {'name': self.name, 'with_or_without': with_or_without }
     121class Amphibian(Car, Boat):
     122        is_a_robot_in_disguise = models.BooleanField(default=False)
     124        def __unicode__(self):
     125                return u"An ampibian which is 1) %(car)s and 2) %(boat)s" % \
     126                        {'car': Car.__unicode__(self),
     127                        'boat': Boat.__unicode__(self)}
    96129__test__ = {'API_TESTS':"""
    97130# The Student and Worker models both have 'name' and 'age' fields on them and
    98131# inherit the __unicode__() method, just as with normal Python subclassing.
    266299>>> settings.DEBUG = False
     301# Multiple inheritance: the Car and Boat objects are Vehicles
     302# the Amphibian model is both a Car and a Boat
     303>>> Boat(name="dingy", has_sail=False).save()
     304>>> dingy_vehicle = Vehicle.objects.get(name="dingy")
     305>>> dingy_vehicle.car # the dingy is not a car
     306Traceback (most recent call last):
     307    ...
     308DoesNotExist: Car matching query does not exist.
     309>>> dingy_vehicle.boat
     310<Boat: A boat called dingy without a sail>
     311>>> dingy_vehicle.car # the dingy is still not a car
     312Traceback (most recent call last):
     313    ...
     314DoesNotExist: Car matching query does not exist.
     315>>> dingy_vehicle.boat
     316<Boat: A boat called dingy without a sail>
     317>>> Car(name="my rolls", wheels=4).save()
     318>>> rolls_vehicle = Vehicle.objects.get(name="my rolls")
     319>>> rolls_vehicle.car
     320<Car: A car called my rolls with 4 wheels>
     321>>> rolls_vehicle.boat
     322Traceback (most recent call last):
     323    ...
     324DoesNotExist: Boat matching query does not exist.
     325>>> rolls_vehicle.car
     326<Car: A car called my rolls with 4 wheels>
     327>>> rolls_vehicle.boat
     328Traceback (most recent call last):
     329    ...
     330DoesNotExist: Boat matching query does not exist.
     331>>> amphibian = Amphibian()
     332>>> amphibian.name = "optimus prime"
     333>>> amphibian.has_sail = True
     334>>> amphibian.wheels = 23
     335>>> amphibian.is_a_robot_in_disguise = True
     336>>> amphibian.save()
     337>>> robot_vehicle = Vehicle.objects.get(name="optimus prime")
     338>>> robot_vehicle.car
     339<Car: A car called optimus prime with 23 wheels>
     340>>> robot_vehicle.boat
     341<Boat: A boat called optimus prime with a sail>
     342>>> robot_vehicle.car
     343<Car: A car called optimus prime with 23 wheels>
     344>>> robot_vehicle.boat
     345<Boat: A boat called optimus prime with a sail>
     346>>> robot_vehicle.car.amphibian
     347<Amphibian: An ampibian which is 1) A car called optimus prime with 23 wheels and 2) A boat called optimus prime with a sail>
     348>>> robot_vehicle.boat.amphibian
     349<Amphibian: An ampibian which is 1) A car called optimus prime with 23 wheels and 2) A boat called optimus prime with a sail>
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