Ticket #6859: js-i18n-doc.2.diff

File js-i18n-doc.2.diff, 3.8 KB (added by Ramiro Morales, 17 years ago)
  • docs/i18n.txt

    diff -r da74ed639346 docs/i18n.txt
    a b take a string as their first argument an  
    338338take a string as their first argument and do something to that string. These
    339339functions are used by template filters as well as directly in other code.
    341 If you write your own similar functions and deal with translations, you'll 
     341If you write your own similar functions and deal with translations, you'll
    342342face the problem of what to do when the first argument is a lazy translation
    343343object. You don't want to convert it to a string immediately, because you might
    344344be using this function outside of a view (and hence the current thread's locale
    You can make the view dynamic by putting  
    789789You can make the view dynamic by putting the packages into the URL pattern::
    791791    urlpatterns = patterns('',
    792         (r'^jsi18n/(?P<packages>\S+?)/$, 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog'),
     792        (r'^jsi18n/(?P<packages>\S+?)/$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog'),
    793793    )
    795795With this, you specify the packages as a list of package names delimited by '+'
    interface to access it::  
    812812    document.write(gettext('this is to be translated'));
    814 There even is a ``ungettext`` interface and a string interpolation function::
     814There is also a ``ngettext`` interface::
    816     d = {
    817         count: 10
    818     };
    819     s = interpolate(ungettext('this is %(count)s object', 'this are %(count)s objects', d.count), d);
     816    var object_cnt = 1 // or 0, or 2, or 3, ...
     817    s = ngettext('literal for the singular case', 'literal for the plural case', object_cnt);
    821 The ``interpolate`` function supports both positional interpolation and named
    822 interpolation. So the above could have been written as::
     819and even a string interpolation function::
    824     s = interpolate(ungettext('this is %s object', 'this are %s objects', 11), [11]);
     821    function interpolate(fmt, obj, named);
    826 The interpolation syntax is borrowed from Python. You shouldn't go over the top
    827 with string interpolation, though: this is still JavaScript, so the code will
    828 have to do repeated regular-expression substitutions. This isn't as fast as
    829 string interpolation  in Python, so keep it to those cases where you really
    830 need it (for example, in conjunction with ``ungettext`` to produce proper
    831 pluralizations).
     823The interpolation syntax is borrowed from Python, so the ``interpolate`` function
     824supports both positional interpolation and named interpolation:
     826    * Positional interpolation: *obj* contains a JavaScript Array object
     827      whose elements values are then sequentially  interpolated in their
     828      corresponding *fmt* placeholders in the same order they appear.
     829      For example::
     831        fmts = ngettext('There is %s object. Remaining: %s', 'There are %s objects. Remaining: %s', 11);
     832        s = interpolate(fmts, [11, 20]);
     833        // s is 'There are 11 objects. Remaining: 20'
     835    * Named interpolation: This mode is selected by passing the optional
     836      boolean *named* parameter as true. *obj* contains a JavaScript
     837      object or associative array. For example::
     839        d = {
     840            count: 10
     841            total: 50
     842        };
     843        fmts = ngettext('Total: %(total)s, there is %(count)s object',
     844            'there are %(count)s of a total of %(total)s objects', d.count);
     845        s = interpolate(fmts, d, true);
     847You shouldn't go over the top with string interpolation, though: this is still
     848JavaScript, so the code will have to do repeated regular-expression
     849substitutions. This isn't as fast as string interpolation  in Python, so keep
     850it to those cases where you really need it (for example, in conjunction with
     851``ngettext`` to produce proper pluralizations).
    833853Creating JavaScript translation catalogs
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