Ticket #6842: r8643.diff

File r8643.diff, 3.4 KB (added by John Shimek, 16 years ago)
  • docs/exceptions.txt

     2Django Exceptions
     5This document describes the exceptions raised by Django.
     7Django raises some Django specific exceptions as well as many standard Python exceptions.
     9Django Specific Exceptions
     12Most of the Django specific exceptions are in the ``django.core.exceptions`` module.  For example,
     15ObjectDoesNotExist and DoesNotExist
     17The ``DoesNotExist`` exception is raised when an object is not found for the given parameters of a
     18query.  The ``DoesNotExist`` exception is not in ``django.core.exceptions``.  Instead, it is an
     19attribute of the model class and inherits from ``ObjectDoesNotExist`` which is in
     20``django.core.exceptions``.  See `get`_ for further information on ``ObjectDoesNotExist`` and
     23.. _`get`: ../db-api/#get-kwargs
     27The ``MultipleObjectsReturned`` exception is raised by a query if only one object is expected, but
     28multiple objects are returned.  See `get`_ for further information.  The ``MultipleObjectsReturned``
     29exception is an attribute of a model class and it is in ``django.core.exceptions``.
     31.. _`get`: ../db-api/#get-kwargs
     35The ``SuspiciousOperation`` exception is raised when a user did something suspicious.
     39The ``PermissionDenied`` exception is raised when a user does not have permission to perform the action
     44The ``ViewDoesNotExist`` exception is raised by ``django.core.urlresolvers`` when a requested view does
     45not exist.
     49The ``MiddlewareNotUsed`` exception is raised when a middleware is not used in the server configuration.
     53The ``ImproperlyConfigured`` exception is raised when Django is somehow improperly configured.
     57The ``FieldError`` exception is raised when there is a problem with a model field.  This can happen for
     58several reasons, some of which are:
     60    - A field in a model clashes with a field of the same name from an abstract base class
     61    - An infinite loop is caused by ordering
     62    - A keyword cannot be parsed from the filter parameters
     63    - If a field cannot be determined from a keyword in the query parameters
     64    - If a join is not permitted on the specified field
     65    - If a field name is invalid
     66    - If a query contains invalid order_by arguments
     68Database Exceptions
     70Django raises or propagates standard database exceptions, such as DatabaseError and IntegrityError,
     71when appropriate for operations on model objects.  See
     72`PEP 249 - Python Database API Specification v2.0`_ for further information about database exceptions.
     74.. _`PEP 249 - Python Database API Specification v2.0`: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/
     76Python Exceptions
     78Django raises built-in Python exceptions when appropriate as well. See the Python `documentation`_ for
     79further information on the built-in exceptions.
     81.. _`documentation`: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-exceptions.html
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