Ticket #6777: sess-docs-int-links.diff

File sess-docs-int-links.diff, 1.0 KB (added by Ramiro Morales, 17 years ago)
  • docs/sessions.txt

    diff -r 8e4f57e62a40 docs/sessions.txt
    a b It also has these three methods:  
    106106    * ``set_test_cookie()``
    107107      Sets a test cookie to determine whether the user's browser supports
    108108      cookies. Due to the way cookies work, you won't be able to test this
    109       until the user's next page request. See "Setting test cookies" below for
     109      until the user's next page request. See `Setting test cookies`_ below for
    110110      more information.
    112112    * ``test_cookie_worked()``
    113113      Returns either ``True`` or ``False``, depending on whether the user's
    114114      browser accepted the test cookie. Due to the way cookies work, you'll
    115115      have to call ``set_test_cookie()`` on a previous, separate page request.
    116       See "Setting test cookies" below for more information.
     116      See `Setting test cookies`_ below for more information.
    118118    * ``delete_test_cookie()``
    119119      Deletes the test cookie. Use this to clean up after yourself.
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