1 | from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
2 | from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
3 | from django.core import serializers
4 | from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
5 |
6 | from optparse import make_option
7 |
8 | class Command(BaseCommand):
9 | option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
10 | make_option('--format', default='json', dest='format',
11 | help='Specifies the output serialization format for fixtures.'),
12 | make_option('-e', '--exclude', dest='exclude',action='append', default=[],
13 | help='App to exclude (use multiple --exclude to exclude multiple apps).'),
14 | make_option('--stop-on-errors', action='store_true', dest='stop_on_errors',
15 | help='Stop on encountering the first serialization error.'),
16 | )
17 | help = 'Identify all objects that are causing serialization errors.'
18 | args = '[appname ...]'
19 |
20 | def handle(self, *app_labels, **options):
21 | import sys, traceback
22 | from django.db.models import get_app, get_apps, get_models, get_model
23 |
24 | format = options.get('format','json')
25 | exclude = options.get('exclude',[])
26 | show_traceback = options.get('traceback', False)
27 | stop_on_errors = options.get('stop_on_errors', False)
28 |
29 | excluded_apps = [get_app(app_label) for app_label in exclude]
30 |
31 | if len(app_labels) == 0:
32 | app_list = SortedDict([(app, None) for app in get_apps() if app not in excluded_apps])
33 | else:
34 | app_list = SortedDict()
35 | for label in app_labels:
36 | try:
37 | app_label, model_label = label.split('.')
38 | try:
39 | app = get_app(app_label)
40 | except ImproperlyConfigured:
41 | raise CommandError("Unknown application: %s" % app_label)
42 |
43 | model = get_model(app_label, model_label)
44 | if model is None:
45 | raise CommandError("Unknown model: %s.%s" % (app_label, model_label))
46 |
47 | if app in app_list.keys():
48 | if app_list[app] and model not in app_list[app]:
49 | app_list[app].append(model)
50 | else:
51 | app_list[app] = [model]
52 | except ValueError:
53 | # This is just an app - no model qualifier
54 | app_label = label
55 | try:
56 | app = get_app(app_label)
57 | except ImproperlyConfigured:
58 | raise CommandError("Unknown application: %s" % app_label)
59 | app_list[app] = None
60 |
61 | # Check that the serialization format exists; this is a shortcut to
62 | # avoid collating all the objects and _then_ failing.
63 | if format not in serializers.get_public_serializer_formats():
64 | raise CommandError("Unknown serialization format: %s" % format)
65 |
66 | try:
67 | serializers.get_serializer(format)
68 | except KeyError:
69 | raise CommandError("Unknown serialization format: %s" % format)
70 |
71 | objects = []
72 | for app, model_list in app_list.items():
73 | if model_list is None:
74 | model_list = get_models(app)
75 |
76 | for model in model_list:
77 | if not model._meta.proxy:
78 | sys.stderr.write('Searching %s\n' % model)
79 | try:
80 | # Try serializing the whole lot first, before going one by one
81 | serializers.serialize(format, model._default_manager.all())
82 | except:
83 | for instance in model._default_manager.all():
84 | try:
85 | serializers.serialize(format, model._default_manager.filter(pk=instance.pk))
86 | except Exception, e:
87 | sys.stderr.write('\nERROR IN %s instance: %s\n' % (model, `instance`))
88 | sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % instance.__dict__)
89 | if stop_on_errors:
90 | raise
91 | else:
92 | sys.stderr.write(traceback.format_exc())