Ticket #6110: 6110.diff

File 6110.diff, 4.1 KB (added by empty, 17 years ago)

Added patch and tests

  • django/core/serializers/__init__.py

    5353        _load_serializers()
    5454    return _serializers.keys()
     56def get_public_serializer_formats():
     57    return [f for f in get_serializer_formats() if f != 'python']
    5659def get_deserializer(format):
    5760    if not _serializers:
    5861        _load_serializers()
  • django/core/management/commands/dumpdata.py

    11from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
     2from django.core import serializers
    34from optparse import make_option
    56class Command(BaseCommand):
     7    serializer_formats = serializers.get_public_serializer_formats()
    68    option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
    79        make_option('--format', default='json', dest='format',
    8             help='Specifies the output serialization format for fixtures'),
     10            help='Specifies the output serialization format for fixtures.  Formats available: %s' % serializer_formats),
    911        make_option('--indent', default=None, dest='indent', type='int',
    1012            help='Specifies the indent level to use when pretty-printing output'),
    1113    )
    1517    def handle(self, *app_labels, **options):
    1618        from django.db.models import get_app, get_apps, get_models
    17         from django.core import serializers
    1920        format = options.get('format', 'json')
    2021        indent = options.get('indent', None)
    2728        # Check that the serialization format exists; this is a shortcut to
    2829        # avoid collating all the objects and _then_ failing.
     30        if format not in self.serializer_formats:
     31            raise CommandError("Unknown serialization format: %s" % format)
    2933        try:
    3034            serializers.get_serializer(format)
    3135        except KeyError:
  • django/core/management/commands/loaddata.py

    5050            parts = fixture_label.split('.')
    5151            if len(parts) == 1:
    5252                fixture_name = fixture_label
    53                 formats = serializers.get_serializer_formats()
     53                formats = serializers.get_public_serializer_formats()
    5454            else:
    5555                fixture_name, format = '.'.join(parts[:-1]), parts[-1]
    56                 if format in serializers.get_serializer_formats():
     56                if format in serializers.get_public_serializer_formats():
    5757                    formats = [format]
    5858                else:
    5959                    formats = []
  • tests/modeltests/fixtures/models.py

    5454# object list is unaffected
    5555>>> Article.objects.all()
    5656[<Article: XML identified as leading cause of cancer>, <Article: Django conquers world!>, <Article: Copyright is fine the way it is>, <Article: Poker on TV is great!>, <Article: Python program becomes self aware>]
     58# Try to dump the current contents of the database in an unsupported format
     59>>> management.call_command('dumpdata', 'fixtures', format='python', verbosity=0)
     60Traceback (most recent call last):
     61  ...
     62SystemExit: 1
     64# Load a fixture that is not in a supported format
     65>>> management.call_command('loaddata', 'fixture4.python', verbosity=0)
     67# object list is unaffected
     68>>> Article.objects.all()
     69[<Article: XML identified as leading cause of cancer>, <Article: Django conquers world!>, <Article: Copyright is fine the way it is>, <Article: Poker on TV is great!>, <Article: Python program becomes self aware>]
    5972# Database flushing does not work on MySQL with the default storage engine
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