Ticket #5776: 5776.mysql_index.diff

File 5776.mysql_index.diff, 1.0 KB (added by Lou Quillio <public@…>, 17 years ago)
  • install.txt

    old new  
    7474If you plan to use Django's ``manage.py syncdb`` command to
    7575automatically create database tables for your models, you'll need to
    76 ensure that Django has permission to create and alter tables in the
    77 database you're using; if you plan to manually create the tables, you
    78 can simply grant Django ``SELECT``, ``INSERT``, ``UPDATE`` and
    79 ``DELETE`` permissions. On some databases, Django will need
    80 ``ALTER TABLE`` privileges during ``syncdb`` but won't issue
     76ensure that Django has permission to create and alter tables and to
     77manage indexes in the database you're using. If you plan to manually
     78create the tables, you can simply grant Django ``SELECT``, ``INSERT``,
     79``UPDATE`` and ``DELETE`` permissions. On some databases, Django will
     80need ``ALTER TABLE`` privileges during ``syncdb`` but won't issue
    8181``ALTER TABLE`` statements on a table once ``syncdb`` has created it.
    8383If you're using Django's `testing framework`_ to test database queries,
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