Ticket #4438: get_from_host.2.patch

File get_from_host.2.patch, 3.2 KB (added by Chris Beaven, 17 years ago)
  • django/contrib/sites/middleware.py

     1class LazySite(object):
     2    def __get__(self, request, obj_type=None):
     3        if not hasattr(request, '_cached_site'):
     4            from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
     5            request._cached_site = Site.get_from_host(request)
     6        return request._cached_site
     8class CurrentSiteMiddleware(object):
     9    def process_request(self, request):
     10        request.__class__.site = LazySite()
     11        return None
  • django/contrib/sites/models.py

    66class SiteManager(models.Manager):
    77    def get_current(self):
    88        """
    9         Returns the current ``Site`` based on the SITE_ID in the
    10         project's settings. The ``Site`` object is cached the first
    11         time it's retrieved from the database.
     9        Returns the current ``Site`` based on the SITE_ID in the project's
     10        settings. The ``Site`` object is cached the first time it's retrieved
     11        from the database.
    1212        """
    1313        from django.conf import settings
    1414        try:
    2828        global SITE_CACHE
    2929        SITE_CACHE = {}
     31    def get_from_host(self, request, check_subdomain=True):
     32        """
     33        Returns the ``Site`` which matches the host name retreived from
     34        ``request``.
     36        If no match is found and ``check_subdomain`` is ``True``, the sites are
     37        searched again for sub-domain matches.
     39        If still no match, or if more than one ``Site`` matched the host name, a
     40        ``RequestSite`` object is returned.
     42        The returned ``Site`` or ``RequestSite`` object is cached for the host
     43        name retrieved from ``request``.
     44        """
     45        host = request.get_host().lower()
     46        if host in SITE_CACHE:
     47            # The host name was found in cache, return it. A cache value
     48            # of None means that a RequestSite should just be used.
     49            return SITE_CACHE[host] or RequestSite(request)
     50        matches = Site.objects.filter(domain__iexact=host)
     51        # We use len rather than count to save a second query if there was only
     52        # one matching Site
     53        count = len(matches)
     54        if not count and check_subdomain:
     55            matches = []
     56            for site in Site.objects.all():
     57                if host.endswith(site.domain.lower()):
     58                    matches.append(site)
     59            count = len(matches)
     60        if count == 1:
     61            # Return the single matching Site
     62            site = matches[0]
     63        else:
     64            site = None
     65        # Cache the site (caching None means we should use RequestSite).
     66        SITE_CACHE[host] = site
     67        # Return site, falling back to just using a RequestSite.
     68        return site or RequestSite(request)
    3170class Site(models.Model):
    3271    domain = models.CharField(_('domain name'), max_length=100)
    3372    name = models.CharField(_('display name'), max_length=50)
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