Ticket #3933: nocomment.diff

File nocomment.diff, 2.5 KB (added by Paul <pb@…>, 17 years ago)
  • documentation.txt

    4848which may only be available to users of the Django development version. (See
    4949"Differences between versions" below.)
    51 A key advantage of the Web-based documentation is the comment section at the
    52 bottom of each document. This is an area for anybody to submit changes,
    53 corrections and suggestions about the given document. The Django developers
    54 frequently monitor the comments there and use them to improve the documentation
    55 for everybody.
     51A key advantage of the Web-based documentation is the ability for readers to
     52use the `ticket system`_ to submit changes, corrections and suggestions. The
     53Django developers actively monitor the ticket system and use your feedback to
     54improve the documentation for everybody.
    5756We encourage you to help improve the docs: it's easy! Note, however, that
    58 comments should explicitly relate to the documentation, rather than asking
    59 broad tech-support questions. If you need help with your particular Django
    60 setup, try the `django-users mailing list`_ instead of posting a comment to the
    61 documentation.
     57tickets should explicitly relate to the documentation, rather than asking broad
     58tech-support questions. If you need help with your particular Django setup, try
     59the `django-users mailing list`_ or the `#django IRC channel`_ instead.
     61.. _ticket system: http://code.djangoproject.com/simpleticket?component=Documentation
    6362.. _django-users mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/django-users
     63.. _#django IRC channel: irc://irc.freenode.net/django
    6565In plain text
    134134      frozen document that says "These docs are frozen for Django version XXX"
    135135      and links to the current version of that document.
    137     * Once a document is frozen for a Django release, we remove comments from
    138       that page, in favor of having comments on the latest version of that
    139       document. This is for the sake of maintainability and usability, so that
    140       users have one, and only one, place to leave comments on a particular
    141       document. We realize that some people may be stuck on a previous version
    142       of Django, but we believe the usability problems with multiple versions
    143       of a document the outweigh the benefits.
    145137    * The `main documentation Web page`_ includes links to documentation for
    146138      all previous versions.
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