Ticket #3808: typos.patch

File typos.patch, 1.1 KB (added by Collin Grady <cgrady@…>, 18 years ago)
  • middleware/cache.py

    1010    Only parameter-less GET or HEAD-requests with status code 200 are cached.
    1212    If CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY is set to True, only anonymous requests
    13     (i.e., those node made by a logged-in user) will be cached. This is a
     13    (i.e., those not made by a logged-in user) will be cached. This is a
    1414    simple and effective way of avoiding the caching of the Django admin (and
    1515    any other user-specific content).
  • template/defaulttags.py

    596596    ::
    598         {% if althlete_list %}
    599             Number of athletes: {{ althete_list|count }}
     598        {% if athlete_list %}
     599            Number of athletes: {{ athlete_list|count }}
    600600        {% else %}
    601601            No athletes.
    602602        {% endif %}
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