Ticket #3714: text-wrap-with-tests.patch

File text-wrap-with-tests.patch, 1.3 KB (added by clelland@…, 18 years ago)

Same patch, now with doctests

  • django/utils/text.py

    1717        pos = len(word) - word.rfind('\n') - 1
    1818        for word in it:
    1919            if "\n" in word:
    20                 lines = word.splitlines()
     20                lines = word.split('\n')
    2121            else:
    2222                lines = (word,)
    2323            pos += len(lines[0]) + 1
  • tests/regressiontests/defaultfilters/tests.py

    133133>>> wordwrap('this is a long paragraph of text that really needs to be wrapped I\'m afraid', 14)
    134134"this is a long\nparagraph of\ntext that\nreally needs\nto be wrapped\nI'm afraid"
     136>>> wordwrap('this is a short paragraph of text.\n  But this line should be indented',14)
     137'this is a\nshort\nparagraph of\ntext.\n  But this\nline should be\nindented'
     139>>> wordwrap('this is a short paragraph of text.\n  But this line should be indented',15)
     140'this is a short\nparagraph of\ntext.\n  But this line\nshould be\nindented'
    136142>>> ljust('test', 10)
    137143'test      '
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