1 | import time
2 |
3 | from array import array
4 | from bisect import bisect_left
5 | from pympler import asizeof
6 |
7 |
8 | start = time.process_time()
9 |
10 | with open("/dev/shm/piotrcki-wordlist-top10m.txt") as f:
11 | passwords = array('q', sorted({hash(x.strip()) for x in f}))
12 |
13 | print("Reading password list took:", time.process_time() - start)
14 |
15 |
16 | start = time.process_time()
17 |
18 | pos = bisect_left(passwords, hash("asdfjkl:"))
19 | is_present = pos != len(passwords) and passwords[pos] == hash("asdfjkl:")
20 |
21 | print("Checking if password is in list took:", time.process_time() - start)
22 |
23 | print("Password is in list:", is_present)
24 |
25 | print("Size of passwords in MB:", asizeof.asizeof(passwords) / 1024**2)