Ticket #3597: unicodedecodenewormsforms.diff

File unicodedecodenewormsforms.diff, 684 bytes (added by Georgi Stanojevski <glisha gmail com>, 18 years ago)

It replaces str with unicode when called on RadioSelect widgets

  • forms.py

    227227        value = self.as_widget(self.field.widget)
    228228        if not isinstance(value, basestring):
    229229            # Some Widget render() methods -- notably RadioSelect -- return a
    230             # "special" object rather than a string. Call the __str__() on that
     230            # "special" object rather than a string. Call the __unicode__() on that
    231231            # object to get its rendered value.
    232             value = value.__str__()
     232            value = value.__unicode__()
    233233        return value
    235235    def _errors(self):
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