1 | from common.db.basic import Logged
2 | from django.db import models
3 | from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
4 | from django_fsm import FSMField, transition
5 |
6 | from shipment.models.trip import Trip
7 |
8 |
9 | class ShipmentStateChoices(models.TextChoices):
10 | NEW = "NW", _("new") # before the trip is created
11 | WAITING = "WA", _("waiting for courier") # Trip is created but no courier has been assigned to it yet
12 | PICKUP = "PI", _(
13 | "on the source way") # Trip is assigned to a courier and the courier is on his way to pickup packages from the source
14 | DROP_OFF = "DO", _(
15 | "delivering to destination") # Trip is picked up by the courier, and he is on his way to deliver the packages
16 | DELIVERED = "DV", _("delivered")
17 | CANCELLED = "CA", _("cancelled")
18 |
19 |
20 | class ShipmentQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
21 | def actives(self, *args, **kwargs):
22 | return super(ShipmentQuerySet, self).filter(*args, **kwargs).filter(
23 | state__in=[
24 | ShipmentStateChoices.NEW, ShipmentStateChoices.WAITING,
25 | ShipmentStateChoices.PICKUP, ShipmentStateChoices.DROP_OFF
26 | ])
27 |
28 | def closes(self, *args, **kwargs):
29 | return super(ShipmentQuerySet, self).filter(*args, **kwargs).filter(
30 | state__in=[
31 | ShipmentStateChoices.DELIVERED, ShipmentStateChoices.CANCELLED
32 | ])
33 |
34 | class ShipmentManager(models.Manager):
35 | def get_queryset(self):
36 | return ShipmentQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db)
37 |
38 | def actives(self, *args, **kwargs):
39 | return self.get_queryset().actives(*args, **kwargs)
40 |
41 | def closes(self, *args, **kwargs):
42 | return self.get_queryset().closes(*args, **kwargs)
43 |
44 |
45 | class Shipment(Logged):
46 | order_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(verbose_name=_('order id'))
47 | trip = models.ForeignKey(Trip, on_delete=models.PROTECT, verbose_name=_('trip'), null=True,
48 | related_name='shipments')
49 | state = FSMField(default=ShipmentStateChoices.NEW, choices=ShipmentStateChoices.choices,
50 | verbose_name=_('State'), protected=True)
51 | tracking_number = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('tracking number'), max_length=400, null=True, blank=True)
52 | tracking_url = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('tracking URL'), null=True, blank=True, max_length=500)
53 | total_weight = models.FloatField(verbose_name=_('total weight'), null=True, blank=True)
54 | destination = models.JSONField(verbose_name=_('destination address'))
55 | dropped_off_at = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('drop off time'), null=True, blank=True, help_text=_(
56 | 'The exact time this course we delivered to the customer. It will be null if the course is not delivered yet'))
57 |
58 | shipment_start_time = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('shipment start time'), null=True, blank=True)
59 | shipment_end_time = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('shipment end time'), null=True, blank=True)
60 |
61 | objects = ShipmentManager()
62 |
63 | class Meta:
64 | verbose_name = _('Shipment')
65 | verbose_name_plural = _("Shipments")
66 | unique_together = ('order_id', 'trip')
67 | index_together = [
68 | ['order_id', 'trip']
69 | ]
70 |
71 | @property
72 | def is_cancellable(self):
73 | return self.state in [ShipmentStateChoices.NEW, ShipmentStateChoices.WAITING, ShipmentStateChoices.PICKUP]
74 |
75 | @property
76 | def is_editable(self):
77 | return self.state in [ShipmentStateChoices.NEW, ShipmentStateChoices.WAITING]
78 |
79 | @transition(field='state', source=[
80 | ShipmentStateChoices.NEW, ShipmentStateChoices.WAITING, ShipmentStateChoices.PICKUP,
81 | ShipmentStateChoices.DROP_OFF], target=ShipmentStateChoices.WAITING,
82 | custom={'button_name': _('set as waiting')})
83 | def set_as_waiting(self):
84 | pass
85 |
86 | @transition(field='state', source=[
87 | ShipmentStateChoices.NEW, ShipmentStateChoices.WAITING, ShipmentStateChoices.PICKUP,
88 | ShipmentStateChoices.DROP_OFF
89 | ], target=ShipmentStateChoices.PICKUP,
90 | custom={'button_name': _('set as pickup')})
91 | def set_as_pickup(self):
92 | pass
93 |
94 | @transition(field='state', source=[
95 | ShipmentStateChoices.NEW, ShipmentStateChoices.WAITING, ShipmentStateChoices.PICKUP,
96 | ShipmentStateChoices.DROP_OFF], target=ShipmentStateChoices.DROP_OFF,
97 | custom={'button_name': _('set as drop off')})
98 | def set_as_drop_off(self):
99 | pass
100 |
101 | @transition(field='state', source=[
102 | ShipmentStateChoices.NEW, ShipmentStateChoices.WAITING,
103 | ShipmentStateChoices.PICKUP, ShipmentStateChoices.DROP_OFF
104 | ], target=ShipmentStateChoices.CANCELLED,
105 | custom={'button_name': _('set as cancelled')})
106 | def set_as_cancelled(self):
107 | if self.is_cancellable:
108 | handler = self.trip.handler
109 | if self.trip.shipments.all().count() == 1:
110 | response = handler.cancel_trip(self.trip)
111 | else:
112 | response = handler.remove_course(course=self)
113 | return response
114 | else:
115 | raise Exception(_("Can not cancel the shipment. The courier is on the way!"))
116 |
117 | @transition(field='state', source=[
118 | ShipmentStateChoices.NEW, ShipmentStateChoices.WAITING,
119 | ShipmentStateChoices.PICKUP, ShipmentStateChoices.DROP_OFF, ShipmentStateChoices.DELIVERED],
120 | target=ShipmentStateChoices.DELIVERED,
121 | custom={'button_name': _('set as delivered')})
122 | def set_as_delivered(self):
123 | pass
124 |
125 | # This is for admin panel
126 | @transition(field='state', source=[ShipmentStateChoices.NEW, ShipmentStateChoices.WAITING,
127 | ShipmentStateChoices.PICKUP, ShipmentStateChoices.DROP_OFF],
128 | target=ShipmentStateChoices.DELIVERED,
129 | custom={'button_name': _('delivered')})
130 | def delivered(self):
131 | pass
132 |
133 | # def update_instance(self):
134 | # raise NotImplementedError
135 | #
136 |
137 | @classmethod
138 | def check_active_shipment_exists(cls, order_id):
139 | return cls.objects.filter(order_id=order_id).exclude(
140 | state__in=[ShipmentStateChoices.CANCELLED, ShipmentStateChoices.DELIVERED]
141 | ).exists()
142 |
143 | def update_driver_info(self, driver_info):
144 | new_trip = Trip.objects.create(
145 | source=self.trip.source,
146 | method=self.trip.method,
147 | driver_info=driver_info,
148 | driver=driver_info['national_code']
149 | )
150 | old_trip = self.trip
151 | self.trip = new_trip
152 | self.save()
153 | if not old_trip.shipments.exists():
154 | old_trip.delete()
155 |
156 |
157 | class ShipmentItem(Logged):
158 | shipment = models.ForeignKey(Shipment, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('Shipment'))
159 | state = FSMField(default=ShipmentStateChoices.NEW, choices=ShipmentStateChoices.choices,
160 | verbose_name=_('State'))
161 | order_item_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(verbose_name=_('order Item id'))
162 | title = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('title'), max_length=200)
163 | quantity = models.FloatField(verbose_name=_("Quantity"))
164 | warehouse_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(verbose_name=_("warehouse id"), null=True)
165 |
166 | class Meta:
167 | verbose_name = _('Shipment')
168 | verbose_name_plural = _("Shipment")