1 | # single-file django via https://github.com/readevalprint/mini-django/blob/master/pico_django.py
2 | # run with django dev server:
3 | # $ pip install Django
4 | # $ PYTHONPATH=. django-admin.py runserver --settings=converter_test
5 |
6 |
7 | import random
8 | from django.http import HttpResponse
9 | from django.urls import path, register_converter, reverse
10 | from django.urls.converters import IntConverter
11 |
12 |
13 | ## settings
14 |
15 | DEBUG = True
16 | ROOT_URLCONF = 'converter_test'
17 | ALLOWED_HOSTS = '*'
18 | DATABASES = {'default': {}}
19 | SECRET_KEY = "not so secret"
20 |
21 |
22 | ## views
23 |
24 | def index(request):
25 | # simulate a generic "export thing" template that might be asked to link to a Foo or a Bar:
26 | some_foo_or_bar = Foo(1) if random.randint(0, 1) else Bar(1)
27 | return HttpResponse("Export your %s: %s" % (some_foo_or_bar, reverse('export', args=[some_foo_or_bar])))
28 |
29 |
30 | ## url converters
31 |
32 | # in reality these might be two different Django models
33 | class Foo(int): pass
34 | class Bar(int): pass
35 |
36 | class FooConverter(IntConverter):
37 | def to_python(self, value):
38 | return Foo(value)
39 |
40 | def to_url(self, obj):
41 | if type(obj) is not Foo:
42 | # returning '' will cause the route not to match, but returning ValueError would be more consistent
43 | return ''
44 | return super().to_url(obj)
45 |
46 | class BarConverter(IntConverter):
47 | def to_python(self, value):
48 | return Bar(value)
49 |
50 | def to_url(self, obj):
51 | if type(obj) is not Bar:
52 | # returning '' will cause the route not to match, but returning ValueError would be more consistent
53 | return ''
54 | return super().to_url(obj)
55 |
56 | register_converter(FooConverter, 'foo')
57 | register_converter(BarConverter, 'bar')
58 |
59 |
60 | ## urls
61 |
62 | urlpatterns = [
63 | path('', index),
64 | path('export/foo/<foo:obj>', index, name='export'),
65 | path('export/bar/<bar:obj>', index, name='export'),
66 | ]