Ticket #24558: terms1.json

File terms1.json, 5.4 KB (added by Geoffrey Fairchild, 9 years ago)

terms dump 1

1[{"fields": {"term": "Endemicity", "reference": "<strong> Cholera: </strong> \r\n<a href=\"http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?pid=S0042-96862012000300013&script=sci_arttext\">Ali, M., Lopez, A. L., You, Y., Kim, Y. E., Sah, B., Maskery, B., & Clemens, J. (2012). The global burden of cholera. Bulletin of the World Health Organization,90(3), 209-218.</a>\r\n<br>\r\n<strong> Novel Influenza A (Avian): </strong>\r\n<a href= http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/ap387e/ap387e.pdf> FAO (2012) H5N1 HPAI Global Overview: April-June 2012. No.32. </a>", "definition": "A disease is said to be endemic in a population if that infection is maintained in the population without the need for external inputs.\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><strong> Cholera </strong>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li> For cholera, a region is endemic if it has experienced outbreaks in at least 3 out of the last 5 years </li>\r\n </ul>\r\n</li>\r\n<li><strong> Novel Influenza A Viruses (Avian) </strong>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li> FAO considers H5N1 viruses endemic in domestic poultry and wild bird populations in six countries; Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia and Viet Nam </li>\r\n </ul>\r\n\r\n"}, "pk": 1, "model": "swap.term"}, {"fields": {"term": "Epidemiological week", "reference": "<a href=\"https://ibis.health.state.nm.us/resources/MMWRWeekCalendar.html\">New Mexico's Indicator-Based\r\nInformation System (NM-IBIS)</a>", "definition": "An epidemiological week, commonly referred to as an epi week or a CDC week, is simply a standardized method of counting weeks to allow for the comparison of data year after year. Many people know these as CDC weeks because CDC uses them and has published them in the past. Nevertheless, they are used throughout the world by epidemiological teams in different countries."}, "pk": 2, "model": "swap.term"}, {"fields": {"term": "Surveillance window", "reference": "<a href=\"http://www.osti.gov/scitech/biblio/1077029\">Deshpande A, Brown MG, Castro LA, Daniel WB, Generous EN, et al., (2013) A Systematic Evaluation of Traditional and Non-Traditional Data Streams for Integrated Global Biosurveillance-Final Report</a>", "definition": "The duration of time within which information obtained can be used for early warning or early detection of a disease outbreak. A surveillance window\u2019s duration is determined from the index case minus the incubation period to the onset of the first rapid rise in the epidemiological or geographic progression of the disease."}, "pk": 3, "model": "swap.term"}, {"fields": {"term": "Population at risk", "reference": "<a href=\"http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Atlas_of_first-level_administrative_divisions\">First-level administrative divisions</a>", "definition": "Different levels of populations at risk for <strong>cholera</strong> outbreaks.\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><strong>Country:</strong> Cases are being reported from the majority of the administrative divisions within a country</li>\r\n<li><strong>Multiple states/provinces/departments:</strong> Cases are being reported from more than one administrative division, but less than half the country</li>\r\n<li><strong>State/province/department:</strong> Cases are being reported from multiple locations within one first level administrative division</li>\r\n<li><strong>Large city/county:</strong> Cases are being reported from an urban center</li>\r\n<li><strong>Small city/town/village:</strong> Cases are beiiPHA (Database). (Latest update: 27 Nov 2013) </a> \r\n", "defink": 4, "model": "swap.term"}, {"fields": {"term": "Density of livestock", "reference": "<a href = \"http://data.fao.org/ref/caafc6f5-31af-4746-bc12-4cd808c8b953.html?version=1.0\"> Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. GLIPHA. GLiPHA (Database). (Latest update: 27 Nov 2013) </a> \r\n", "definition": "Different density levels of livestock for <strong>FMD</strong> outbreaks.\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><strong>Cattle</strong> \r\n <ul>\r\n <li><strong>High:</strong> The density of cattle is over 25 head/km<sup>2</sup></li>\r\n <li><strong>Low:</strong> The density of cattle is equal or less than 25 head/km<sup>2</sup></li>\r\n </ul>\r\n</li>\r\n<li><strong>Swine</strong>\r\n <ul>\r\n <li><strong>High:</strong> The density of cattle is over 27 head/km<sup>2</sup></li>\r\n <li><strong>Low:</strong> The density of swine is equal or less than 27 head/km<sup>2</sup></li>\r\n </ul>"}, "pk": 5, "model": "swap.term"}, {"fields": {"term": "Mortality", "reference": "No Reference", "definition": "Different human mortality levels:\r\n<ul>\r\n <li><strong>High:</strong> The case fatality ratio is approximately 0.5 or higher</li>\r\n <li><strong>Low:</strong> The case fatality ratio is lower than 0.5 </li>\r\n</ul>\r\n "}, "pk": 6, "model": "swap.term"}, {"fields": {"term": "Exposure Type", "reference": "No Reference", "definition": "For <strong> Novel Influenza A Viruses (Avian) </strong> humans often come into contact with infected domestic poultry or wild bird populations in three different environments:\r\n<ul>\r\n<li> <strong> Commercial: </strong> Areas of industrial setting where large numbers of poultry are raised for commercial purposes </li>\r\n<li> <strong> Rural: </strong> Areas where backyard poultry may be raised through traditional farming practices or possible contact with roaming wild bird populations </li>\r\n<li><strong> Urban: </strong>: Areas where there may be frequent retail exposure to live poultry, as in live bird markets </li>\r\n</ul> "}, "pk": 7, "model": "swap.term"}]
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