Ticket #21285: E121.diff

File E121.diff, 2.2 KB (added by Tim Graham, 11 years ago)
  • tests/extra_regress/tests.py

    diff --git a/tests/extra_regress/tests.py b/tests/extra_regress/tests.py
    index ae8f1b4..a34c1f5 100644
    a b class ExtraRegressTests(TestCase):  
    307307        self.assertQuerysetEqual(
    308308            TestObject.objects.filter(
    309                  pk__in=TestObject.objects.values('pk').extra(select={'extra': 1})
     309                pk__in=TestObject.objects.values('pk').extra(select={'extra': 1})
    310310            ),
    311311            ['<TestObject: TestObject: first,second,third>']
    312312        )
    314314        self.assertQuerysetEqual(
    315315            TestObject.objects.filter(pk=obj.pk) |
    316                TestObject.objects.extra(where=["id > %s"], params=[obj.pk]),
     316                TestObject.objects.extra(where=["id > %s"], params=[obj.pk]),
    317317            ['<TestObject: TestObject: first,second,third>']
    318318        )
  • tests/model_regress/tests.py

    diff --git a/tests/model_regress/tests.py b/tests/model_regress/tests.py
    index a029397..fdb3b1f 100644
    a b class ModelTests(TestCase):  
    131131                        datetime.date(1, 3, 3),
    132132                    ],
    133133                attrgetter("when")
    134        )
     134        )
    136136    if (3,) <= sys.version_info < (3, 3) and connection.vendor == 'mysql':
    137137        # In Python < 3.3, datetime.strftime raises an exception for years
  • tests/prefetch_related/tests.py

    diff --git a/tests/prefetch_related/tests.py b/tests/prefetch_related/tests.py
    index 6e0b617..6f51d8d 100644
    a b class ForeignKeyToFieldTest(TestCase):  
    440440        with self.assertNumQueries(3):
    441441            qs = Author.objects.all().prefetch_related('favorite_authors', 'favors_me')
    442442            favorites = [(
    443                  [six.text_type(i_like) for i_like in author.favorite_authors.all()],
    444                  [six.text_type(likes_me) for likes_me in author.favors_me.all()]
    445                 ) for author in qs]
     443                [six.text_type(i_like) for i_like in author.favorite_authors.all()],
     444                [six.text_type(likes_me) for likes_me in author.favors_me.all()]
     445            ) for author in qs]
    446446            self.assertEqual(
    447447                favorites,
    448448                [
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